Func_breakable causes lag, right?

05-15-2003, 03:24 PM
Ok, I just counted how many func_breakables there are in dod_honfleur, and there are 66 including the TNT walls. That's bad, right?

05-15-2003, 03:50 PM
If all 66 are visible/destroy at once, yeah thats bad.

05-15-2003, 04:05 PM
Yeah, all of them can be destroyed, they're mostly windows with some TNT (and now a bazooka wall) thrown in.... I guess I should remove some of the windows, eh? I mean, they all get destroyed withing the first 2 or 3 minutes of each round anyway, right?

05-15-2003, 04:38 PM
NO what kami means is that if all of the func_breakables are set to break at the same time then they will cause lagg but if each one is seperate (like dod_caen) then you shouldnt have any problems

Also remeber that if you can see any part of a func_entity then the whole func_ entity is being rendered even if it is made up of multiple brushes

05-15-2003, 04:49 PM
Oh, no, they're all seprate... Otherwise it'd be one func_breakable made up of many brushes, right?

05-15-2003, 06:10 PM
if you have too many func_breaables break at the same time it can crash your game. if this happens you can just use the nice null model for your gibs.

05-15-2003, 07:20 PM
Originally posted by redfalcon
if you have too many func_breaables break at the same time it can crash your game. if this happens you can just use the nice null model for your gibs.

LOL, yeah, one time I made a little test map where I put a bunker with a little window and you got in it through an underground tunnel thing, and I put like 50 invisible func_breakables with expload magnitudes of like 9999999. If you tossed a grenade out or shot one they'd all go off. ANd if you were looking out the window the game would crash. Was kinda funny.

Anywah, so you guys are saying that func breakables caus NO lag to the server? They won't give people high pings and stuff?

05-15-2003, 08:08 PM
Yes they will cause fps drops...when the breakable "breaks" it fires of a number of gibs commesurate with the size of the breakable...each gib is a model...what you can do is use a null model as the breakable gib and that will help...on really large breakables it can cause a lot of usually with those you can use the null gib and then add a env_shooter to fire off a set number of gibs

05-16-2003, 12:27 AM
Nah, I'm not worried about FPS lag, I'm worried about server lag. Like how func_rotating and stuff like that cause lag. (or so I've heard)

05-16-2003, 12:37 PM
breakables cause lag in these ways:

1. if transparent/see thru - like glass, a see thru grating. transparencies cause an extra pass on the CLIENT cpu video card, esp older ones. it does not affect netlag. and if the entity is not transparent, you can ignore this one.

2. breakable gibs - again, client lag. you guys have discussed it.

3. status check - since breakable state is boolean, very, very minor net lag. but if you have a 100 breaking at once, perhaps you would get some net leg for a moment.
now something MOVING, like a train or a pendulum, or constantly changing like a random BEAM, those cause far more netlag with the status updating.

4. r_speeds - a breakable is an entity that does not block VIS, so it is see thru for r_speeds. also as an entity all sides are kept and rendered that are not NULLED.

05-17-2003, 09:12 AM
RPGreg , im not expert on mapping , but i do play the game :-D and i think it sounds really cool to have all those breakables , if it doesnt cause too much lag. I always wish there was more stuff to blow up in maps like Caen and Forest. So if you have to take some out , dont take too many :)

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