Release: dod_lcstrainb2 - Trainingmap

05-15-2003, 02:55 PM
Hi freaks :)
(sorry for my bad english :rolleyes: )
$*LCS*$_Loki_ made a small Training-map for our clan, dod_lcstrainb2 ( .
Its comparable to cs_iceworld.
We just wanted to have this map, to train our skill in aiming and reaction. But this map isnīt just perfekt to train ur skills in day of defeat, it also makes REALLY BIG FUN !
DOD_LCSTRAIN by Tom "Loki" Gosztonyi (

December, 1941, Trainingscamp

The Germans train the war at home and has created an trainingscamp . In this camp the Germans train tactics and aiming.

Allied Objectives:
- Kill every Axisplayer

Axis Objectives:
- Kill every Alliesplayer


So just download the map and give it a try :) DOWNLOAD (

Greetz $*LCS*$_Loki_ & $*LCS*$_LastManStanding_

05-15-2003, 03:13 PM
oh god plz no *thinks of a crap cs map called iceworld*

El Capitan
05-15-2003, 03:19 PM
/me looks

/me maximises window

/me looks for something other than sandbags and walls

/me closes windows

05-15-2003, 03:21 PM
this is meant to be a training map and a fun map. so why do you expect great graphic and brushwork or whatever?

well done lastmanstanding. most guys here just don't like funmaps.

05-15-2003, 03:22 PM
Why not focus a map like that towards the MSA community, a map they can load and take screenshots of their new crap instead of turning a small map into a CS fest.

El Capitan
05-15-2003, 03:29 PM
maybe a large map, with more obstacles and particle fx - things like this would suit a better training map.

Sorry, I know you have tried but it looks like not much time has been invested in its creation.

Anyway, keep at mapping - im sure this may come in as a handy map for some people

05-15-2003, 03:34 PM
looks a bit uninspired. Even for a trainingsmap that is.
repetitive boxes in a checkers pattern with some craters and sandbags is all I see.

It's easy to make a map and call it a "trainingsmap". Real training actually still happens "in the wild" on servers and actual well made maps.

Agreed it's prolly fun for two minutes or so... but this is definitly not the map we're waiting for.

05-15-2003, 03:39 PM
well sorry to be a be harsh before but i dont want dod to be like cs with stuff like iceworld2k icewolrd2.1 iceworld3k iceworlddust

and worthless mapping going on. thats all

if your going to make a training map try and make the bit at the begining of mohaa were you get to know what to do and stuff

maybe some targets and stuff

05-15-2003, 03:49 PM
OMG it's a bunch of sandbags surrounded by blocks!

05-15-2003, 03:51 PM
sad but true :rolleyes: :p

i would consider this map my 2 min test map

to test all my sequences out:rolleyes:

05-15-2003, 04:05 PM

05-15-2003, 05:01 PM
at least you could try and make it look godly or something, I mean with such a small area you have tons of available r_s to work with...why not maximize that, so at least it looks nice, and not make people's eyes burn.

05-15-2003, 05:15 PM
If you want practice for DoD on a level like that. Go to CS, go to icewrold, and use awp for kar, P90 for thompson, and so on. I havent done it (although I'm positive awping helps with kar/einfield), but sounds like it works...kinda:confused:

05-15-2003, 06:22 PM
I love this community and wholeheartedly support it's distain for CS style maps.

05-15-2003, 10:16 PM
sorry buddy, but the map sucks. this is the kind of map you hide on your computer while your learning. you dont throw it out to the community for exactly the reason your seeing.

although its not nice...

its well desereved.

05-15-2003, 11:03 PM
aehmm, its not my map :) loki made it.
but i am relly exited of it. i am sure, u played that map alone and call that a "test". but ok if u donīt like it, itīs ok. we love it and itīs just there for fun and training. maybe only claner are able to respect lokiīs work.
also the "normal" day of defeat player doesnīt have to train because he is only playing for to get some fun in a ww2 simulation.
and believe me, i hate counter stríke. i just said its comparable to the iceworld map, but not because we like counterstrike.
we just wanted to give u the chance to train ur skill in aiming and reaction (not in capturing flags, objetives, watch great effects...).

05-15-2003, 11:11 PM
i always train my aim and reaction on real maps.

05-15-2003, 11:12 PM
Originally posted by lastmanstanding
aehmm, its not my map :) loki made it.
but i am relly exited of it. i am sure, u played that map alone and call that a "test". but ok if u donīt like it, itīs ok. we love it and itīs just there for fun and training. maybe only claner are able to respect lokiīs work.
also the "normal" day of defeat player doesnīt have to train because he is only playing for to get some fun in a ww2 simulation.
and believe me, i hate counter stríke. i just said its comparable to the iceworld map, but not because we like counterstrike.
we just wanted to give u the chance to train ur skill in aiming and reaction (not in capturing flags, objetives, watch great effects...).

It's not a training map, it's merely a small deathmatch map.

And how do you expect people to respect it in the first place? I could make the same deathmatch map with better gameplay 100 times better in under an hour.

05-15-2003, 11:29 PM
an hour? more like 5 mins...
but seriously...real dod training is playing the full maps. Capping flags and teamwork are real skills...not "1337 fragfests" which if you have at least some intelligence get boring quickly. Something like that is ok to take a little anger out once in a while, but actually practicing on a map of that style is no good.

05-15-2003, 11:34 PM
we never said, it was much work for loki.
he did it in under a hour.
if u donīt want to train there, because its "cs-like", it looks bad and its too small, just donīt play it :)

05-16-2003, 12:05 AM
Why dun you read up a book or documentary on how Germans/US/Brits train.

Create a training camp for both sides.

05-16-2003, 12:40 AM
^^^Agreed, DoD sorely needs a "Boot-Camp" map for both Axis and Allies.

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