Left hand problem

03-24-2005, 03:05 PM
When I use the cs deagle model in dod, it's always on the left, I want it on the right. When I use dod models in cs they're always on the left aswell. Can somebody help me with getting them on the right?

Trp. Jed
03-24-2005, 03:18 PM
Theres and app called "MDLFlip":

Post #18 here goes through the process of using it.


03-24-2005, 03:45 PM
Alot of the left handed models from CS have deleted polys on the left side. So when you flip it to the right, the gun might not be all there. I would look at the model first in Jed's MV and see if its all there.

03-24-2005, 03:58 PM
Alot of the left handed models from CS have deleted polys on the left side. So when you flip it to the right, the gun might not be all there. I would look at the model first in Jed's MV and see if its all there.

Left handed models still use the same side as the right handed models. They are only mirrored, not literally flipped. So it's not a real problem, unless he wants the model faced on the correct side of the weapon.

03-28-2005, 02:49 PM
my boy is left handed, and I like to have the models he uses on the left for him, and I found a "free" (not fileplanet style) program, but cant remember what it was called. I had it a while back but lost it in my last upgrade. It had a goats head in a pentagram as its graphics. It worked really well, and if I remember, you didnt need to decompile it first.

any one know what it was called?

04-12-2005, 08:11 PM
found the EXE I was looking for. It is called gFlip, by Matt Foster, was available at bbs.clandeadgoat.net, but as of this writing, that site is offline.

It is a lot easier than the other ones I have read up on. This is a "drag and drop" GUI where you just drop the fully-compiled MDL into the GUI. From what I see, the others require you to decompile the MDL then work on it, then recompile on your own. There are reports of problems with it, but I have done this to a few models and saw nothing wrong, it even works on a copy it creates, so if there WAS a problem, or you didnt like the flip, there is still the original (but, as always, NEVER ATTEMPT A MODIFICATION OF ANY SORT WITH OUT BACKING YOUR $#!+ UP.

I will see if I can find it hosted anywhere, I did a google search and only found links to forum topics on it.

04-12-2005, 08:25 PM
I hate to post hotlinks, but I can not get into the actual http://matthewfoster.myby.co.uk site.

If anyone knows another way to get there, let me know and I will redirect the link, but here it is until then:


04-12-2005, 08:25 PM
Its pretty easy to do with MS3D.

- Decompile the model
- Import an .SMD and do the following: Tools->Mirror All->Ok
- Export the .SMD and overwrite the old one
- Repeat for each .SMD (even the animation sequences)
- Compile the model

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