Bayonet on splinters kar V4

02-28-2005, 12:01 PM

I'm wondering how hard it is to model/skin a bayonet on splinters kar (V4, the last one without bayonet), and/or if it isn't impossible, if anyone could do it for me (I can reorigin and change hands/sleeves but go further that I'm screwed with any model)??

I don't know if the bayonet needs to be modelled on the kar, that might be to much, but if it's just skinning - take the default one or something I just want a bayonet... the buttsmack makes me to careful in melee assault (have no clue about where to aim/how far fom the guy I need to stand)

I know that splinters older kars has bayos but they're all using stock models

If anyone could do this I would love you forever - but nevermind if it's too much work..:)

02-28-2005, 05:49 PM
I say just wait for V5...

03-01-2005, 07:45 AM
Originally posted by Splinter
I say just wait for V5...

Well thanks!! Now you made me drool all over my keyboard!!:kitty:

04-11-2005, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by SwedeIndeed

I'm wondering how hard it is to model/skin a bayonet on splinters kar (V4, the last one without bayonet), and/or if it isn't impossible, if anyone could do it for me (I can reorigin and change hands/sleeves but go further that I'm screwed with any model)??

I don't know if the bayonet needs to be modelled on the kar, that might be to much, but if it's just skinning - take the default one or something I just want a bayonet... the buttsmack makes me to careful in melee assault (have no clue about where to aim/how far fom the guy I need to stand)

I know that splinters older kars has bayos but they're all using stock models

If anyone could do this I would love you forever - but nevermind if it's too much work..:)

:hamster: (I'm impatient)

04-11-2005, 03:50 PM
Something like this? (

(All credits as per the readme in Splinter's v4 pack. Bayonet from the DoD team. Tostig is a muppet)

04-12-2005, 06:43 AM
Thanks to you we now have the greatest non-bayo and bayo kars... both made by splinter.. I love it already..:)

Maybe you could send it to splinter and he could update his pack??

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