Hands, sleeves on splinters models

01-14-2005, 07:53 PM
When i first saw Splinter models ingame i thought they were the most incredible work i've ever seen.
They look amazing ingame, but one thing i didn't like about them was the hands.

So I've changed the hands to the BF1942 skin (who some1 converted to dod) and put on the glove skin (who some1 made don't remember who made this nice glove skin).
And i use the splinters Axis and Allies sleeves for US and Germany, but I use diffrent type on the UK Allies.


Here's a pic on the combination of diffrent skins.

01-14-2005, 08:19 PM
Sleeves and Handskins. I think they fit together pretty good.

*edited by Jed*

Sorry, you just admitted the skins from BF1942 - no copyright materials from other games. :( :mod:


01-31-2005, 06:20 PM
Is it possible to only change the sleeve on all guns without changing the model or the hand?

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