Personal Modeling quest..

HammeR [OwP]
12-17-2004, 10:09 PM
Okay here's my plan.... I am trying to get some of the fine MOH:PA assualt models into dod... for my own personal use and need help in Milkshape getting the model into the right shape. I have the model (mohpa springfield sniper,quite good) im am trying it first.

what I have done so far is get it into milkshape as a plan ms3d file. while playing I noticed that whithin the one model is 3 models (in groups spring..1, s..2, up to 3) one very low poly less that dod's I think. then one pretty nice looking and then a third which is very pretty and higher poly.
what I need help with is separating the sections of one model into different groups for a skin and taking the anim...and the bones from the default spring and applying them etc onto the new model. I am extremly new with milkshape only puttering with it serveral times and churning out half arsed models which I couldn't even fathom putting in a game or skinning...

Well Im puttering now and looking for tuts and the like any help suggestions and or crits are welcome :)

P.S. If this actually comes to pass and I learn anything new.... I am gonna try to convert the spring, garand and bar......
I will not be showing wips or releasing anything due to copyrights and such, but if This does happen, anyone who helps I will gladly share the finished product with you. Just pm me.

12-18-2004, 02:13 AM
I would like to help, also I would like the models to dod :)
so PM me

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