Hay Effexx any chance for more skulls?

12-10-2004, 02:13 PM
I was hoping you could do some undead soldiers for DOD steam
I really miss them I think I still have the old trench coat ones if you need them:D



12-12-2004, 12:11 PM
yeah, please. that would be really cool. Wolfenstein here i come!

12-15-2004, 03:04 AM
Sorry, Haven't checked the forums for a few days...

ZUZU: were you talking about SOURCE versions of the Skullheads? If so I would like to revisit them once DOD:S gets out... In the meantime I've got to learn the finer points of vertex weighting, and the like... I'm not too enamored with the stuff in the SDK currently... I'm actually looking forward to the tools Jed mentioned that he was working on... Long story short, I do plan on more Skullheads for SOURCE...

If you are referring to Skullheads for the current version of DoD then I do believe that the 1.1 Skullheads should work still... I haven't really tried them, and there isn't a dedicated "Zooka/Shrek" class... If your interested in them here's a link to a thread where someone else asked about the Skullheads as well... Download links included...



Trp. Jed
12-15-2004, 03:24 AM
Effexx, as your Skulls are pretty simple in terms of jointing you could probably get away without using weighted vertices in the models.

That said, I'm trying my best to make "equivelents" to some of the functions in the high-end apps like Max and XSI. I've learnt the hard way with HLMV not to actually say what I'm working on as it builds too much antincipation and disapointment when my crappy C++ skills lets the project down. Suffice to say, Milkshape isnt dead yet when it comes to Source. ;)

That said, I'm willing to listen to what sort of tools people would actually find useful - although I make no promises that I'll ever write them all, but I can promise to put them under consideration.

I've already got 4 Source Tools out at the moment and 3 more as work in progress.

12-15-2004, 08:07 AM
I've toyed with XSI for a bit, and it definitely has a learning curve... I'm more comfortable with Milkshape... Wasn't Milkshape 2 supposed to have support for weighted vertices?


12-15-2004, 09:09 AM
sry for asking but what is weighted vertices ??

Trp. Jed
12-15-2004, 12:32 PM
Originally posted by Effexx
I'm more comfortable with Milkshape... Wasn't Milkshape 2 supposed to have support for weighted vertices?

Yep although lord knows when it will ever be done - better be soon if Mete wants to retain his user base for Source.

Actually you could still model in Milkshape3D and do just the final vertex assignments via the Skin modifyer in 3DS Max. Its not actually that hard to do and only took me about 10 mins to learn. Check out the "Skin Blend Weights" video at the URL below for some idea of how it works:


As for "what are weighted vertices" - in Mikshape when you assign a vertex to a bone thats "weighting" but only to one bone.

In Max, XSI, etc. you can set that any vertex cant be influenced by the movement of one or more bones. How much any given bone influences the vertex depends on how much "weight" it is given to it.

For example a single vertex could be influenced by two bones with the first having a weight of 80% and the second 20%. During animation the final position of the vertex is the product of the bones affecting it, in this case the first bone has a stronger influence as it has a larger weight (80%).

This is how Source does nice smooth bends in models on places like the shoulders unlike HL1 where you can end up with some nasty distortions and jagged corners.

12-15-2004, 01:08 PM
ohh :cool:
that's cool

12-16-2004, 01:22 AM
Originally posted by Trp. Jed
Check out the "Skin Blend Weights" video at the URL below for some idea of how it works:


Thanks for the link.. Even though I'm not well versed in 3dSmax I'll have a look anyway...


Trp. Jed
12-16-2004, 11:28 AM
Actualyl I made the mistake with Max of just assuming I could sit down and use it. My own impatience forced me to give up on it way to early on.

Then after about a year of using Milkshape3D I started to reach its limits and gave Max a shot again. This time I sat down one weekend with a cup of tea and before I did anything I spent time just reading through the user manual help file from top to bottom just trying and playing with stuff as they mentioned it.

Doing that in about 2 days I figured out how to do everything I could do in Milkshape plus I had all of Max's extra features to hand.

So if I can give any advice is RTFM - its cliche but it did actually help a lot!

12-19-2004, 03:12 PM
Thx Effexx
I do have the files still but I didnt know if they would work on the newest ver. of DoD il give um a shot .

And yes if you can port them to the new SOURCE versions when DoD comes out that would just rock .!!


12-19-2004, 05:40 PM
Sorry for this guys but this is my first time trying to add something
to DoD steam
um haw do I change to thew skull heads where do i set the files in?
thx all:rolleyes:

12-20-2004, 08:40 AM
I'd recommend unzipping the archives into a temporary folder first.. then just cut/paste the stuff you want...

Steam isn't much different from what you're used to... It just adds a few more directories, and you need to create missing folders to use custom stuff... The nice thing about Steam is that if you ever want to uninstall the custom stuff you simply delete it from your DoD folders... You never lose the default content... WIth that said... you can put the models you want (us-inf, us-para,brit-inf, axis-inf, & axis-para) into the following folder...

?:\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\Your Username\day of defeat\dod\models\player\

So it would look like this:

?:\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\Your Username\day of defeat\dod\models\player\us-inf


?:\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\Your Username\day of defeat\dod\models\player\us-para

You get the picture...

Remember to keep the individual folder names ...
That should work then...


Day of Defeat Forum Archive created by Neil Jedrzejewski.

This in an partial archive of the old Day of Defeat forums orignally hosted by Valve Software LLC.
Material has been archived for the purpose of creating a knowledge base from messages posted between 2003 and 2008.