Need some help

Sly Assassin
12-02-2004, 11:37 PM
I need some help from someone experienced with using Hint brushes, as some of you may of read in my [WIP] thread on v2 of dod_base that I'm having some problems with r_speeds in certain areas, so if theres someone out there that is willing to give me a hand to get these things in order so I can get a second release out and running.

Also I'd like some settings for the particle ent so that I can have resonbily good looking smoke coming from damaged vehciles, the smoke I use to have was to dense and even after fiddling with it, it still didn't look right.

If anyone can help that'd be great.

Cheers guys


12-03-2004, 11:34 PM
my suggestion to you is to make sure your skybox is niceand tight, and clip out anywhere players cant run around, I learned that helps.

hint brushes - complicated but not impossible. Best way is to test using an new map purely for hint brush testing. Theres not much literature around here.

12-07-2004, 04:35 PM
whats holding it back more? e or w polies because i have some suggestions for either, msn me sometime

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