[REL] dod_cablecar

11-11-2004, 12:24 PM
i've released the map after fixing most of the bugs and leaving two or 3 minor bugs which you hopefully won't recognice ;)


more pics are located here: http://www.winstonsmaps.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=19&Itemid=51

some will now say: "umm...there's some rubble missing!"

well...this village is supposed to be somewhere near or in the alps, there's not much to destroy, so this village never really was hit by something big

other's might now mention: "..a cablecar..that'll cause da big laagness!"

i've kept r_speeds low in order to let the cablecar drive without lag.

the story: allied forces have taken a town at night and are now waiting for the counter attack. the axis have to take the town from a nearby bunker base while the allied forces are to hold the town at all cost.

there are 6 flags to capture, 2 of them have to be captured with two men.

it took me about 7 months to make this map (with standard breaks (such as school and tests for which i had to learn )

the download is about 11mb and for all who wan't to link the file, please use the page and not the file itself. inform me if you have a link set up, i'll add it to my mirrors list.

Download: http://www.winstonsmaps.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=50&func=fileinfo&parent=category&filecatid=6

Let me know if there's something wrong, i missed something or what so ever.

known issues:
- there's something wrong with one of the roofs (you'll see it) ..i have no idea why and it only happend with the p15 release of the zhlt 2.5.3 ..other compilers would crash or make the map unplayable so i was forced to use these

- some of the bushes in the forest are messes up, you they're more transparent than they should be...no idea why though.

- it might be a bit imbalanced due to the lack of tests with many players.

- the name isn't the most original one ;)

- the mountains around the control station could be more detailed. that'll be done in the next version.

every feedback will be used for the source version of this map, i think i'll leave this one as it is for now and concentrate on converting it for dod:s

11-11-2004, 06:16 PM
good work!

11-11-2004, 06:38 PM
Is there any significance to the cablecar? Like Halo 2-like gondola battles or something?

11-11-2004, 06:52 PM
change the ladder rendermode to func_illusionary render mode = solid fx ammount = 255, put a small brush infront of it the same size, 1unit is fine, paint it with aaatrigger and tie that entity to func_ladder

11-11-2004, 10:54 PM
hmm.. first couple screenshots look good.. not sure about that last one though, the room looks ultra red.

11-11-2004, 11:14 PM
that aint a room ;) but check yourself :D

you have to use the cablecar in order to reach 2 of the axis flags. the other way would be to go closely to the axis spawn...but that one should be well defended...

thx for the feedback

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