Specific thompson skin im looking for...

T e l2 l2 o r
11-02-2004, 01:53 PM
Hey, anyone know where i can find the medal of honor thompson model? I had it a while ago and cant seem to find a site that has it.

If your not sure, how bout just the best thompson model you have/have used? Right now im using the "thompson conversion" by nomad slinky and ash, its pretty nice. Something better would be cool though. I like shoulder models too. Hear are the sites i know of and use:


11-05-2004, 01:03 PM
DoD Life has the MoH thompson. It has 3.1 arms tho, so you'll have to convert or stick with old arms. My favorite thompson ever is brutal's 3.1 classic V2....i'd never replace that in my folder.

11-05-2004, 05:17 PM
this might not be the best place to ask around for a moh conversion, people can get touchy about IP Violations

just a friendly heads up

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