i need help

10-24-2004, 10:28 PM
ok, how can i view the default model files? i want to reorigin the default models, but they don't show up. so how can i do this?

Brenden Azevedo
10-24-2004, 10:35 PM
Download Jed's Half-Life Model Viewer:


Than dowload both of these:



After you isntall Jed's HLMV, and download the two .exe's from the links I gave you, go open up Jed's HLMV and and go to tools, than configure, and browse to wherever you downloaded the .exe's to.

Using Jed's HLMV, open the model of what you want the origins changed. Remember this is for V_.mdl's. There is a weapon origin tab which allows you to see the placement of the weapon. There will be three values:

X: 0
Y: 0
Z: 0

Changing each 0 to a number moves the model left or right, forward or backward, or up and down.

To change the view of the model after you find what numbers you want, you need to decompile the model. To do this, press tools, and decompile model. It will extract all of the information about the model to wherever you chose to extract it.

When it is done, look for the QC file. It contains data about the origins. Open it with note pad. Using the values you got from using the weapon origin tab in Jed's HLMV, change them to whatever you want.

Go back to Jed's HLMV, and go to configure model. Point it to the QC file wherever you extracted it to.

The model has new origins now. Click file, save model as, and you're done.


10-24-2004, 10:49 PM
thanks for the help, but i already know how to reorigin. i need a way to open the default .mdl files so i can reorigin the defaults. steam has it to where for some reason you can't view the default .mdl files :(

Brenden Azevedo
10-24-2004, 10:57 PM
Originally posted by anti.hero
thanks for the help, but i already know how to reorigin.




10-24-2004, 11:01 PM
does anyone know how to open/view the default models? i really want to reorigin them and reskin them to my liking. the reason i wanna use the defaults is because my comp is mediocre and i have to use the defaults to keep any fps i can get.

10-25-2004, 12:35 AM

10-25-2004, 12:40 AM
tried that. it gives me an error when i try to run it :( it seems to work fine for everyone else. i'm getting pissed.

-edit- i didn't read all the way. i didn't know i had to d/l this other thing that is required to run it. nm, i think it should work now LOL. thanks guys.

Brenden Azevedo
10-25-2004, 01:16 AM
I demand a sticky for my efforts!



10-25-2004, 02:17 AM
:/...ther kinda default

10-26-2004, 05:09 PM
Hey, Brenden, i know the feeling...i'll share a lollie-pop with you for your efforts. :D ;)

Brenden Azevedo
10-26-2004, 05:57 PM
Originally posted by PeeZwee
Hey, Brenden, i know the feeling...i'll share a lollie-pop with you for your efforts. :D ;)


Trp. Jed
10-26-2004, 06:04 PM
Errr the latest version of my HLMV opens the GCF file so you can get them out of there and it doesnt need .NET like GCFScape.

10-26-2004, 11:52 PM
Originally posted by Trp. Jed
Errr the latest version of my HLMV opens the GCF file so you can get them out of there and it doesnt need .NET like GCFScape. 1.3? cause i DO have that, but i didn't know it had something like that :confused:

Trp. Jed
10-27-2004, 07:04 AM
File -> Open Half-Life Package

Opens GCF, WAD, BSP and PAK files.

10-27-2004, 03:55 PM
yeah, but i needed something to open .mdl files so i could edit the defaults. good to know anyway :)

10-27-2004, 04:01 PM
u have to take them out and save them somewhere on ur hard drive before editing them, u will have to treat them like custom models after that

10-27-2004, 05:58 PM
Originally posted by anti.hero
yeah, but i needed something to open .mdl files so i could edit the defaults. good to know anyway :)

Have you read what everyone just said?

the .mdl's are in the .gfc's which can be opened by the same program: Jed's HLMV 1.3

10-27-2004, 11:06 PM
oh well, i have gcfscape and i did all this already. so no worries.

btw, i went to check again and no .gcf files were shown. it's wierd that jed's hlmv won't show the files.

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Material has been archived for the purpose of creating a knowledge base from messages posted between 2003 and 2008.