looking for a modaler,skinner!!!!

10-19-2004, 06:10 PM
hey guys im looking for any one that wishes to join a HL mod that wouned mine making soem skins and models for a HL mod based on the battle of iraq and other battles that happend. The mod will be modern day. if any one is will to help please add me to MSN at ec_swede@hotmail.com

thanks Swede

10-20-2004, 08:37 AM
Sorry but that didn't make much sense. I take it that English isn't your first language. Do you have a homepage? Otherwise i'll just bluntly say NO.

10-20-2004, 03:32 PM
hey im chaging the mod to ww2 paratrooper 101st AB and no sorry now homepage yet

10-20-2004, 04:23 PM
it seems pretty certain that english is not swedes first language. portions of his posts are sometimes close to incomprehensible. but i digress.

swede some things to consider before posting threads looking for help with a mod:

1. settle on an idea. going from modern day combat to ww2 in the space of less that 24 hours is a rather large idea lapse to say the least.

2. presentation is everything when your looking for volunteers. get a website for starters, and try to clean up your posts as best you can before starting a thread. the more time it takes to decipher a persons post, the less likely somone will even bother trying to read through it.

3. it is typically poor manners to recruit for a mod on another mods forums.

10-20-2004, 06:09 PM
Originally posted by Klown
it seems pretty certain that english is not swedes first language. portions of his posts are sometimes close to incomprehensible. but i digress.

swede some things to consider before posting threads looking for help with a mod:

1. settle on an idea. going from modern day combat to ww2 in the space of less that 24 hours is a rather large idea lapse to say the least.

2. presentation is everything when your looking for volunteers. get a website for starters, and try to clean up your posts as best you can before starting a thread. the more time it takes to decipher a persons post, the less likely somone will even bother trying to read through it.

3. it is typically poor manners to recruit for a mod on another mods forums.

1. Agreed.
2. Agreed.
3... Agreed.


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Material has been archived for the purpose of creating a knowledge base from messages posted between 2003 and 2008.