Clan Skins
10-18-2004, 10:41 AM
I am wondering, is there anyway that say a clan could have its own skins, like an armband with the clan logo or something, and only the clan could use it, and the public have the default dod skins?
10-18-2004, 11:12 AM
You can use w/e you want on your PC, other people won't see it of course...
Think about it like that, you are entering a 32 people server and everyone have custom models, they will have to send it to the server and the server would have to send them to the rest of the players and so and so...
tons of mbs running around causing huge lags and forcing people to see models they might not want to see.
But, you can always create a special player model for yourself and send it to your clan mates (but it would be rather stupid because once you switch sides... the enemy will have your uniforms :P)
Also, you can't make a special model for a specific player in the server, the player models you see running around match the class one choose to play so lets say if you have a friend that always play a sniper you can make a new sniper model but of course anyone else also playing the sniper class will "look" like your friend.
10-18-2004, 11:29 AM
I think in Half-Life DM, new models might be allowed to be downloaded by servers and those clients connected.
After a map change, it would be loaded on everyones system.
Okay, this is just speculation, but I remember about a year back rumors like this. I just hope the source engine is as open as it is powerful. :D
10-18-2004, 11:42 AM
I doubt it.
HL2 = More polygons, higher resolutions, more textures and maybe even more animations so if you want to send 15mb to the server each time you connect... you won't be able to play the game (not to mention people with 56Ks).
10-18-2004, 01:48 PM
if your running your own server you can make it so only your clan has a certain model i think, but they all need to have admin... my friend did it with Sven Co-op so all admins have little alien ppl that have bananas...
EDIT: wait... nvm sven co-op uses has a way diff model system than dod...
Black Lotus
10-18-2004, 02:26 PM
I've gotten banned for this... the admin's models were all screwy, so it must be my fault.. lol. Kept asking me why my character was offset and leaning.. I told him it was his models that were messed, not mine.. called me a hacker and I was banned, w00t.
10-18-2004, 11:24 PM
that is what you get for compiling old models on to the server's computer, Black Lotus
10-25-2004, 06:09 AM
Cheers for the help lads....
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