.wad files
Brenden Azevedo
10-15-2004, 07:30 PM
I've got a .wad file that changes forest to a snowy landscape.
How do I use it?
10-15-2004, 07:44 PM
rename it to (if it's not) to dod_forest.wad and place it in your Steam\SteamApps\your@mail.here\Day of defeat\dod folder.
10-15-2004, 07:45 PM
how's it look?
(screenshots :>)
10-16-2004, 02:50 AM
Ah, it looks horrible.
The treeline dosent have any trasparency, and the building textures have been changed so that you see the anti-spawnkilling gun coming out of a wall. You should also change the foliage models so it actually looks like winter.
I plan on making a winter dod_forest of my own, textures and models.
Brenden Azevedo
10-16-2004, 11:51 PM
I don't think it looks too bad:
10-17-2004, 01:04 AM
Wow, i created that .wad along time ago brenden, you still have it! :eek:
Brenden Azevedo
10-18-2004, 12:38 AM
Originally posted by Splinter
Wow, i created that .wad along time ago brenden, you still have it! :eek:
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