Scripting Help

09-29-2004, 07:05 PM
ok.. there really isnt anywhere to put this... so il just put this here, cause it seem,s like the best spot...

my bro is wanting a script that will make a beep go off for a nade timer. i have the whole beep thingy fine. but i need to get it to go off when he LETS GO of the button. how do i do this?

B.T.W. i dont care if you think "its easyer just counting in your head" or "thats stupid, dont bother with doing that". this is something i want, so i will do it, so if your not going to post something uselful, please dont post at all.

Black Lotus
09-30-2004, 04:09 AM
its possible... but I wouldn't recommend doing it.

To do that, you'd have to put in a bunch of wait commands.. and doing that will make the script pause everything while it runs it. As in.. You throw nade, and freeze, can't move.. or if you were moveing, stuck moveing / shooting, etc.. untill the script cycle is complete.

09-30-2004, 05:59 PM
what if it was one sound file?

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