different animations for one event?
09-29-2004, 12:23 PM
well, i saw a dual-colt replacement for the greasegun and thought it was cool (for 2 seconds) until i saw that only the left gun was moving when firing. since you cant just animate both guns firing, because it would take too long and wouldnt be correct if u were firing a single shot, i asked myself if u could just animate maybe a shoot1.smd and a shoot2.smd and they would be played after each other (like in CS the dual berettas :rolleyes: )
could this be done?
10-02-2004, 06:53 AM
I am under the impression that the shoot1.smd and shoot2.smd must be coded by the dev team. I hope I am worng, and if I am someone let me know how to do it and I will. (I have the same dual colt, but I made it for the carbine, since it is singe-shots and an automatic set of colts just seems odd 8p )
10-02-2004, 07:00 AM
for real, it seems odd, but its fun! :D (since all custom greasers i´ve seen so far dont look better than the default one)
do both colts fire in ur carbine replacement? or is it still only one of them?
i hoped some more people would share their knowledge here...
10-02-2004, 06:34 PM
the way mine works is that even on a single shot, the right shoots then the left, so each shot both guns jump, BUT, only one gun has the sprite for the muzzle flash work (I can't rememebr which, I think it was the right gun)
Yeah it is fun, it made me use the greaser for the first time in a while. Then I thought it would be cool to have the M2 carbine replace the Tommy (seems like I get more kills with the M2) and then I put the dual colts as the Carbine, so that it acts likes the semi-auto the colts are.
10-03-2004, 06:17 AM
couldnt the sprite thing be changed in the .qc file? in the .qc file there are some lines that say when which event should happen, like when a bullet-.mdl will be created or when a sprite will show up, my idea was to change the .qc file, so everything is correct and both guns would fire one after another each click, showing the right muzzleflash-sprite.
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