Making Crosshairs

09-27-2004, 07:58 PM
ok, first you need a .BMP file thats the right size, for this, i suggest you download a custom crosshair from somewhere, heres a link to a good one

that one is just a dot, so you will know where the middle of your crosshair should be.

next you will need something to extract it, you can use either Sprite explorer (best) or sprite viewer (not so good)

Sprite Explorer

sprite viwer


Sprite explorer

ok, after you install the program, open it
goto File>Load Sprite

load the custom crosshair that you just downloaded.

now, there is a toolbar with a bunch of white boxes and a coloured things and words in them. click on the FIRST ONE, it will be blue and say BMP in it. save the .bmp wherever you want.

Sprite Viewer

after installing the program open it.

goto File>open

open the custom crosshair you just downloaded.

goto File>Save BMP

save it where4ver you want


open the .BMP in Paint

this the the best part... making your crosshairs!
you can have up to 16, (4 rows of 4 crosshairs)

when you are done, change the background to white

save the file and close paint


Sprite Explorer

ok, this is the hardest part (but its easy now... cause im telling you exactly what to do and you dont need to spend 2 hoursd trying to figure it out like i did...)


create new sprite

click add

find the .BMP and open it.

hit next

save the .SPR file in your day of defeat/dod/sprites folder as customxahir.spr

now, i made mine alphatest, and you made the backrgound white.. so you should do the same, or you will have a big white box in the middle of your screen, and we dont want that.

hit next., then next. HEY! your done! now go and use them...

Sprite Viewer

ok, if you are using sprite viewer you will need another program called Sprite Wizard

open it

hit next

click browse and open the .BMP file you made

hit next

hit next

choose alphatest

hit next

hit finish

choose where you want to save it and call it customxhair.spr

your done.

Unfortunaltely i dont know how to make dynamic crosshairs (the ones that move) so if anyone knows how to do that, please post

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Material has been archived for the purpose of creating a knowledge base from messages posted between 2003 and 2008.