08-29-2004, 01:06 AM
Using Glimmy's P38 (http://dodec.hlgaming.com/filedb/pafiledb.php?action=file&id=46) and Splinter's Browning High Power old animations. (http://dodec.hlgaming.com/filedb/pafiledb.php?action=file&id=1285)
How's it look? Still have a lot of issues assigning bones and animations... If you want to see the light of a release, I'm afraid I may need a little help from more experienced MSAers.
08-29-2004, 03:39 AM
very nice
08-29-2004, 12:44 PM
its alright, but there should be a better skin than that out there
Captain Dan
08-29-2004, 01:15 PM
It looks good, but there is this one P38 on dodec that would look REALLY good with those anims.... ;).
-Captain Dan
08-29-2004, 04:26 PM
I'll look into it. In the meantime, I might need some help on AIM. :(
09-01-2004, 09:16 PM
Got it finished along with the p_model. Pending release...
09-01-2004, 09:51 PM
swedish :( i can help :(
09-02-2004, 02:19 AM
Originally posted by Billie|Joe
swedish :( i can help :(
What's your email? PM me it on EZCO.
Toejam Football
09-06-2004, 06:10 AM
You still working on this? I would like a good p38 luger replacement :)
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