Looking for a bit of mentoring :)

08-26-2004, 04:03 PM
I need to learn a few more things about mapping that I would like to learn from a person who has experience with them rather than a FAQ which could end up making me suck at doing them...

There's two main things I'd like to learn. As of right now, I'm pretty much a master of brushlaying and vertex manipulation and such...but I need to learn how to create and use models in my map, and I also need to learn how to create entities that trigger multiple other entities which do not have a common name(if that's possible)...such as a func_breakable named 'breakwall1' or something and a light named 'light1'.

Anyone who is willing to help, please drop me an email at taienverdain@gmail.com with your contact info :)


My introduction here from that thread (http://www.dayofdefeat.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=26562&perpage=15&pagenumber=4)

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