[WIP] Italian Carbine

08-23-2004, 06:29 PM
OK. So i am working on an italian conversion pack to replace the axis. I have already made a berretta 1938 replacement for the mp44, but now i am working on a Berretta BM62 replacement for the k43. I have everything done, except i need to add a bayonet stab animation to the model, and i dont know how. Here are some pics of what i have so far. I dont know how to get it so u guys an download models on here, and as u can tell by the things i know (or the lack of) that i am pretty much a noob when it comes to this stuff. The last pic is of the mp44 as a preview of something the italian pack will contain. If anyone can tell me how to add the animation, or if they want to go ahead and try it themselves, that would be great.




08-23-2004, 06:40 PM
if your k43 replacement is still using default animations then all you would have to do is decompile these (http://dodec.hlgaming.com/filedb/pafiledb.php?action=file&id=1161) and copy/paste the anims you need o_O

i think trigger is working on some italian stuff O_o maybe you can work together o_O

08-23-2004, 06:45 PM
LOL, actually, me and him are working together. Problem with what u told me about the anims though, is that i already did that, and it looks bad. Cuz the model i got, it only has 1 thumb for the right hand, and when it goes forward, it shows just one thumb. Another problem is that it is buggy. Like it goes out too fast and it looks like different origins, then, last frame it comes back too fast and back to my origins. So i have a delema, perhaps u or someone else could help out with this.

08-24-2004, 06:54 PM
Sweet. Awesome! :carrot:

08-24-2004, 07:18 PM
It looks good, but the problem that I can see is that the BM62 appears to be a post war assault rifle based on the M1 Garand. I was thinking of replacing the k43 with the G41, which appears to have seen some use with Italian forces later in the war.

08-25-2004, 12:45 AM
OK, so first i spend my time making this, and i do my best, and now u deny it.... :mad: But its all cool :cool: no prob. But do u atleast like what there is? Could it be used as something else? And do u have any reference pics of a g14. Cuz i cant seem to find one. U know, if we are going to work together on this italian pack, we need to start sharing info. Oh, and speakin of which, i lived in italy for 4 years when i was younger, and i know a lot of italian, and i am really good with the pronounciation. U want me to start workin on the voice commands for that?

OH, btw, it would be best if u gave me a list of the weapons u wanted and some reference pics/sites so i can start working on these. Also, if u could find some for the soldiers as well, it would be great.

Dying Robot
08-25-2004, 04:26 PM
I hope this will see the light of day. And keep a higher standard than the Japanese pack (no offence).

Good work so far Razvan.

08-29-2004, 04:49 PM
Thanks Robot. I'm glad u like, but i still need some help with animations. If anyone that can do animations, please help!!!

Also, trigger, u said u want g41, well then get on AIM sometime and talk to me about it, or post in here some reference pics or something.

08-31-2004, 02:02 PM
Mind releasing the Berreta as an MP40...to me?

09-01-2004, 12:33 AM
Sure it wouldnt be a problem. If i knew how to release a file.... lol. I dont know what to do so u can dl it. If u know, please help.

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