(WIP) Working title Juno
Capt Winter
08-22-2004, 11:22 AM
The title juno does not describe it right, but this map is basically taking place hours if not mins after initial landings on a beach in Normandy. Allies start in once garrison German Bunker and trenches. Ahead is a House, and planing on making are farm fields and a small Normandy village. Two attack points into village, through farm and other along road.
If anyone has a website that i can use to post pics and could contact me or reply in the next hour or less would help if not then ill have some pics posted by tonight, pacific time.
08-22-2004, 11:30 AM
thought the name juno was allready taken?
looks that way to me ;) please refer to Sly Assasin's map names list
Capt Winter
08-22-2004, 11:33 AM
Random no offense but i did say i was using it as a working name.
08-22-2004, 11:34 AM
08-22-2004, 01:46 PM
Technically it's doesn't say juno is taken, just juno8. And when I last looked at the map it sure didn't look like an 8th version.
Capt Winter
08-22-2004, 09:43 PM
I managed to get a site to host images lets see if this works click the link for the pics and tell me what you think.
PS: I welcome remarks, as long as its not flamming. Like everyone else who post maps we all want to know what everyone thinks of our maps and what you think we should do better on them or what we did wrong and how to fix it, im just wasting my time talking heres the link.
PPS: These pics might need some explaining, firstly the first pic is in game other two are speculator. First one is a crappy pic but ill get better ones later.
08-23-2004, 04:16 AM
If there is no beach calling it juno is a bit misleading
08-23-2004, 09:45 AM
hey nice map but ya add a nice flat beach that gruly turnes into the grass and do some reserch man juno never realy had a buncker like that theu use the town as there defese and MG nests its just a heads up
i say keep it called juno there is only a juno8 and thats aint now juno beach ether
Sly Assassin
08-23-2004, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by swede
i say keep it called juno there is only a juno8 and thats aint now juno beach ether
Actually he proberly couldn't even use Juno, I'm pretty sure I never ripped the 8 off the end of juno8 when I was making the thread as I've removed all beta,V tags etc to make the names of maps clearer to people.
But seeing its only a working name then its fine for now, but when he releases it will have to be changed to something else.
Capt Winter
08-23-2004, 08:44 PM
So im going to remove the bunker, but i did do research and i never found any juno information, besides articles, but beyond that no pictures that truely show a layout of the beach. Only other source iv found is in movies and thats shown houses on the beach. I like my trench idea.
What im trying to do here is make a map without a beach but still have it share beach qualities, next time i get some time ill work on a beach. Im thinking of two types, theres:
A. Beach where allies spawn in water, or
B. Beach where allies spawn right below beaches change onto land.
What do you guys think.
08-24-2004, 01:51 AM
Allies have to start on the beach if it's to be Juno map. Beach can be quite short as it was in real battle.
Just my 2c.
Sly Assassin
08-24-2004, 06:10 AM
well do something like what I'm doing atm, little beach then some uphill rushing to get into the axis compound area and then fight inland with advancing spawns along the way :)
Except with yours short beach, houses and then what ever else inland from there :)
08-24-2004, 06:29 AM
ok well here are some pics that i have of the beach and sea wall and some of the houses
there is also utoa, omaha, gold and sword
08-24-2004, 07:14 AM
I hope this is a brit map cus the brits was on Juno beach no the G.I's
anyways this could be a good map But if its not gonna be like juno then dont name it that cus its annoying when ur into ww2 2 have it none realistic.
make it so the germans are in the houses way back from the beaches and they have 2 come over a feild with trenches(dunno is they had um there in ww2 but u can add um if u wanted) and hedgerows. But remember its a brit map!!!
thanks ToAd
Capt Winter
08-24-2004, 02:44 PM
Yea I was pretty sleepy on that last post but heres a little more info. Oh and thx for the pics they will help a lot.
Basically the map won't be on the juno beach, but it will be on a british/canadian beach, any beach that i can use brit class. My whole idea was to start the map after the beach landing and allow the germans to spawn farther inland, allies task would be to secure the intial hedgerows then take the town.
Now with all your comments im going to keep the whole idea but im going to add a beach on too, however, what im thinking of is allowing the germans to continue to spawn inland say in the house. Sooner or later I will add a flag on the top of the beach and one in the house, the one on the beach will begin as allies when game starts and one in house as germans.
Reason I did not want to include a beach in the beginning was because it would, or might take up a lot of room and would prohibit me from including a row of hedgerows and a town into the map.
PS: The reason why i named it june was it was a working title, I prob could of choose a better name, but at the time thats what i named it. I could of just named the post beach map untitled but well, i didn't.
Capt Winter
08-24-2004, 11:31 PM
New Pics, now I admit that the pics suck, I could of taken better pictures and i will next time I get but, I changed the Allies side and id like some feedback. Everyone was talking about how a beach map has to have a beach, well, making a beach would take up so much room, and would have no benefit to this map considering I don't want this to be a Beach Invasion, instead map takes place hours after initial landings, beach is secured now its on to the hedgerows.
Future add ons:
1. Farm Field
2. Town
3. Anti Air flak trenches inside of a hedgerow field.
Till then tell me what you think of these and I promise better pics in the future.
PS: the house in the first pic was never touched so thats been left the same.
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