Looking for Player Modelers

05-10-2003, 10:35 PM
Before any mod or admin thinks about closing this thread, hear me out. This isn't going offtopic or breaking any board rules, as none are posted and this IS about modelling. If it is, well then, my mistake and I'll delete the thread.

Spade(my HL2 mod) has finished finalizing appearances of all the main characters in singleplayer and we'll need some player modelers who think they're up to the task. Remember, this is HL2, what we know about models is that they're bump mapped and have around a 5000 poly limit. If you can skin and animate, that's even better.

If you're interested in this job, PM me with your contact information and past work.

05-10-2003, 10:54 PM
Could be wrong but i dont think its allowed to advertise for another mod on these forums... however i think you could probably do it in the games forum. :o

05-10-2003, 11:03 PM
i'll give it a try it gives me a head start on learning how you model for HL2. now this is a mod for HL2 not the game right.

05-11-2003, 06:53 PM
Originally posted by Nikolaisqp
now this is a mod for HL2 not the game right.
man you make me laugh:p

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