05-10-2003, 06:37 PM
I was fairly happy with DoD's new hand skins but there was still one thing bothering me: the fingertips were very blocky. The only solution was to use Trigger's hands but to be honest I prefer the new DoD hands' texture :F What I did was take the original hands model and rounden the fingertips. The thumb is not that ugly to look at anymore :^)
Download here (
New info!!!: I made putting these on existing models easier:
- Decompile the model
- Import the reference.smd and delete the hands.bmp group.
- Export to reference.smd (overwrite the existing reference.smd)
- Copy hands.smd from this pack to the model's folder
- Open the .qc of the model
- Add this line:
$body hands "hands"
after the other $body lines
- Compile (remember, each decompile-compile moves the uv coordinates :F counter the effect!!)
If the result is ****ed up or it won't compile, follow the instructions below:
Just scale them to fit the original hands, then delete the fingertips from the original hands and delete the rest of the hand of these hand models. Then weld the vertexes together and assign the fingertip vertexes to the correct bones. No need to reassign the whole hand. Finally, send the hands and smooth them so that u won't get ugly edges. Also, the .ms3d file has a bone setup that u can use if you reanimate your model from scratch, no need to create a skeleton structure for these hands. Just add new bones that u need.
Download here (
New info!!!: I made putting these on existing models easier:
- Decompile the model
- Import the reference.smd and delete the hands.bmp group.
- Export to reference.smd (overwrite the existing reference.smd)
- Copy hands.smd from this pack to the model's folder
- Open the .qc of the model
- Add this line:
$body hands "hands"
after the other $body lines
- Compile (remember, each decompile-compile moves the uv coordinates :F counter the effect!!)
If the result is ****ed up or it won't compile, follow the instructions below:
Just scale them to fit the original hands, then delete the fingertips from the original hands and delete the rest of the hand of these hand models. Then weld the vertexes together and assign the fingertip vertexes to the correct bones. No need to reassign the whole hand. Finally, send the hands and smooth them so that u won't get ugly edges. Also, the .ms3d file has a bone setup that u can use if you reanimate your model from scratch, no need to create a skeleton structure for these hands. Just add new bones that u need.