Bump Mapping Possible in HL

08-11-2004, 03:45 PM

Don't know if this can be done in DoD, but I figured it was worth pointing out.

Ginger Lord
08-11-2004, 03:52 PM
Sounds like an even greater strain on the already strained engine.

08-11-2004, 04:00 PM
I hate the way it usually makes the place look saran-wrapped (like the first example.) The second is alright though. I don't really see the appeal of bump-mapping a la Doom 3 style. It just looks funny.

08-11-2004, 04:10 PM
Gorbachev, I thought you finished belfort. Are you working on another beta or have you not updated you sig?

08-11-2004, 04:42 PM
Quite interesting, but it seriously kill your fps...

08-11-2004, 04:52 PM
detail textures do a better job on the HL engine because well HL can't exactly handle real bump mapping too well...on the other hand doom3's bump mapping owns

08-11-2004, 05:50 PM
Originally posted by Star Wars Kid
Gorbachev, I thought you finished belfort. Are you working on another beta or have you not updated you sig?

Well, there is _b2 currently, and since that isn't a final release it's technically not done. Although as it stands right now there really isn't anything more to finish other than port it to Source when it comes out (I think the map will enjoy that seeing as it pushes so many entity/data limits.)

08-11-2004, 06:11 PM
Ok, thanks.

08-12-2004, 04:24 AM
You could insert easily into HL almost all cute newest graphical functions, including shaders, if game runs in OpenGL mode.
But main problem in HL is some bugs in geometry and model rendering, so you can't make more detailed maps. This would require more work, which Valve will put in HL2 and CS:S than old HL.

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