para ?

08-07-2004, 02:05 PM
ok i know this has been talked about, but, i would just like to know what the reason behind removing para support in dod was?
just seems kindof strange to remove features from a game rather than improving on them to make them more playable.

also does anyone know of anything similar to a para map that is supported by dod at the moment? im sure there is someone else besides me and my friends that likes fun maps.

Steel Blade
08-07-2004, 02:07 PM
Most people didn't like the CS style game play. Personally I think it was a mistake remvoing it but oh well.

08-07-2004, 04:25 PM
Well, para wasn't really even given a chance. Nobody but the official mappers even got to put out para maps.... it was there and gone before anyone could make custom para's. dod seems generally to be going in the direction of removing things, rather than adding them: move with, briefing videos, other things I can't think of right now....I'm not sure why they don't just leave in functionality and leave it up to the mapper to decide. On a side note, why oh why do they keep changing Caen...does this bother anyone else as much as it bothers me?


Capt Winter
08-07-2004, 04:25 PM
I thought of it as a mistake too, the possibilities that came out of para maps were unlimited.

Caen is cool with the newer version, but i still wish they would keep changing it to open more buildings up, more passage ways, maybe even a sewer or two going under the road, and popping up in the middle of the street or inside a house. Basically I think Caen needs more open buildings.

08-07-2004, 05:11 PM
i just think its kinda lame to remove an aspect of the game that wasnt effecting anything as far as i can tell, it just limits what mappers and others can creatively do to improve the game. i have to admit the same old style gets old after awhile para maps were always a welcome change in pace.

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