Wad for the dod comunity

08-07-2004, 06:25 AM
I have decided to give my dod wads to the comunity,
I never seem to finnish my maps so it just as
well that I give it to someone who will...
I'm collecting just the ones that i'm happy with,
but will also make a few new ones to fill up the wad a bit.
So I can't realy say for sure when I will be finnished,
but shoulden't be that long.
Here's a preveiw:
(sorry for slow host)


Ginger Lord
08-07-2004, 06:33 AM
Looking good, I must release my tiny .wad of some photorealistic textures I made ages ago.

08-07-2004, 10:05 AM
erm, so where is this WAD?

08-10-2004, 03:32 PM
Wad is comming just thought I would announce it so that mappers who are working on something could have the wad
in mind, and to check if there was any response for photo based
textures at all, wich it doesent seem to be.
So maybe I should spend my spear time on something else...

08-11-2004, 02:04 AM
They look good, except that white one, but previous (packs) textures were better IMHO.

PS. Please don't finnish them, rather make them more central european :D.

08-26-2004, 12:32 PM

Okay, finally finnished!
Between a full time jobb and working as a texturer on
the www.citizen-132.com mod, this wasn't easy,
but I made it! And yall'r damn happy for that, I guess!?

Well there is 191 textures here!
9,65 MB in size.
Most of the stuff I have created for Dod
and that I like myself is there.

Hope you can use some of it, cause I would really like to see
a sweet map using atleast some of my textures since my
mapping skillz stink...
That would be awesome sir's!

Thanx for reading....:D

DOWNLOAD (http://www.spillmodding.no/filer/wads/spineCollectionWAD.zip)

Mirrors apreciated.

08-26-2004, 01:21 PM
Hmm not bad im sure i can make use of a few.

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