REL: dod_sherman_b1

08-06-2004, 03:15 PM
hey guys,
heres my newest map dod_sherman umm info info info well basically this map started off just getting some practise doing roofs ect on a couple of buildings then i thought id add in a road and the rest is history, so i hope the roofs are decent! anyways the map is basically built around a square 'U' shaped road on each side of the road there are pathways around buidling ect including a few flags around the buildings, anyways heres some screenshots :> ive been up for 2 days straight so i wont bother trying to give en explanation for each of them so use your immagination :P and yer thats my excuse incase ive missed something! "ive been up for 2 days" anyways here we go


by Travis a.k.a RaNd0M


Allies - Capture the 5 control points and drive the axis out of town
Axis - Capture the 5 control points and drive the allies out of town

Allied & Axis 1st flags 1 point every 15 seconds
Allied & Axis 2nd flags 2 points every 15 seconds
3rd flag (mid) 3 points every 15 seconds


Thanks To.....
subz,maxlamer,thanks to the texture artists for the
awesome textures. Special thanks to everyone who helped me
ou on the Official Day Of Defeat forums - a great resource for
mappers and dod'ers in general (

Please notify me of any bugs you find!



Of course we cant do without download links! ( ( (
mirrors appreciated

feedback is a must, i know its a bit plain but i think the gameplay will workout okay :>

08-06-2004, 03:31 PM
its now on

08-06-2004, 04:59 PM
From the pictures:

-more depth and detail in the streets
-street texture shouldnt be the same as the sidewalk texture
-have smoke comming out of the destroyed tanks

Its pretty good. Cant really judge the gameplay until I see it running on a server. Ill reply again once I play it ingame.

08-06-2004, 05:16 PM

Why is the tank facing the wall? I would turn it around, or have the wall with a huge hole in it. Would look better.

Create a minimap. Its easy.

Overall plainess. Some areas need more depth and detail.

I would add a rail here along the stairs.

Use the cobble in the saints wad aswell. It would look better and you could use the great crater textures.

From just running around it, the gameplay could turn out to be pretty good. Good work so far, and yay, its only a beta.

Edit - Forgot to mention, you should add Spawn Protection messages to warn players that they are going to close to the spawn.

08-06-2004, 09:58 PM
It looks cool, I like the sky alot. Like to check it out.

08-07-2004, 12:02 AM
I like the atmosphere of the map in general. Some of the buildings could use some more detail, however, to make them look "believable".

Check out my photoshop files I made on the sticky to help you out with the overview.

edit: the sticky is in the tutorials section, "Basic Overview Pack"

08-07-2004, 12:22 AM
sweet, thanks for the feedback so far guys, this is aboput the seventh map ive made and the first one thats probably playable, dod_lecave2 was somewhat of a funmap, ummm yer more details on buidlings like maybe some decks? and possibly electrical wire ect? i also noticed there are 2 rubble mounds that are borked, will fix in the next beta - need to find out if any other bugs are around then get to work :>

*edit* i also noticed THIS ( i realise it doesnt look quite right refering to the buidling with windows down the far end, doesnt look quite right with the windows not matching how the roof is if you know what i mean :P

Ginger Lord
08-07-2004, 02:42 AM
From looking at the pictures, it just looks like Saints, but really plain and boring.

Theres nothing there to make it stand out and me go "Oh...this has something interesting about it"

08-07-2004, 09:54 PM
yer i agreee kinda, well i see your point the main thing i have got is its a bit plain and lack of detail, i will work on these things :>

08-10-2004, 11:47 AM
okay had a playtest 2nite and it worked very well, the layout works well - very simple and yet the flags dont warrant concentrated paths - its probably more of a team map if anything. okay so far the suggestions are good and i will work on a few things, thinking of making the middle area a little more complex perhaps add in some tnt breakable walls and what not around the exterior pathways to add something extra to the map. flag placement has been working - thinking of moving 1st flags to the middle of the sreet about 10 meters or so towards mid. decreasing the width of streets adding more cover/rubble where possible, taking out all the shermans except the one at the middle flag, anyways its quite a big list of things to do so once ive done so ill post screenshots for those who are interested.

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