geurrilla tactics?

05-10-2003, 12:59 PM
An interesting idea would be to have maps where destroying certian objects would give a handicap to the enemy team (kind of simulating guerrilla warfare, but not really). For example, destroying a bridge could slow down the rate the enemy team gets reinforcements, or destroying a radio tower would disable voice communication, or certian alleyways would be able to be blocked, etc. There are many other possibilites for this idea. What do you think?

05-10-2003, 01:24 PM
I think you should post this in this thread:

05-10-2003, 03:31 PM

05-10-2003, 03:35 PM
well doesn't that exist in Glider? the bridge can be blown out and you have to go another way. But yeah it's a cool idea, and a level based entirely on that premise would be interesting if done well.

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