Texture Problems

07-23-2004, 02:22 AM
So, this is my first time at mapping and I was looking at my map in game and a lot of the textures were messed up. I used textures from other maps that come with the game since I was just messing around and for some reason, all the textures that get messed up are all textures of dod_glider. Can anyone help explain what to do to get these textures to show up? Here are links to picture of my problem, the textures go checkered.

Picture 1 (http://www.plushmonkey.com/upload//post-3-1090570108.jpg)

Picture 2 (http://www.plushmonkey.com/upload//post-3-1090570143.jpg)

07-23-2004, 02:35 AM
Hammer is pointing to a wad file that dod cannot find. Look in your texture list (I'll bet you see the texture in the editor)...find the location of the wad...that same wad must be either in the dod dir or in the cache. Perhaps you have a old verison of the glider wad?

07-23-2004, 10:39 AM
that or you can look in the console and it'll say which texture your missing :)

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