1DoD.com question...

07-22-2004, 06:17 PM
1DoD.com's site is not anything special, we have been doing what we can with our limited skills... But I have two questions for you all.

1.) What is the general opinion from mappers about 1dod.com?

reason: we try to make a point of giving proper credit for the maps we offer for download.. but feel some may not like 1dod or what we do.

2.) If you could change one thing about 1dod.com what would it be?

reason: we get alot of users/tons of bandwith used, but not many really show support for us, just curious what we can do better.

Thanks for any input..


El Capitan
07-22-2004, 06:47 PM
Maybe a shoutbox on the front page so people can easily leave a message!

Its a really cool website, I use it loads.....good job with it, keep up the good work buddy!

Oh, and don't expect much feedback!! I don't get much for dodnetwork lol

07-22-2004, 07:24 PM
interviews with mappers

07-22-2004, 09:49 PM
a more ww2 theme layout for the web site? your site is in my sig :D More news then just map releases. Maybe map WIPs, Official map news, updates of mapping tools. I dunno.

07-23-2004, 01:33 AM
Originally posted by bad
we get alot of users/tons of bandwith used, but not many really show support for us, just curious what we can do better.

You have the same problem Houston dod had.

This is something that won't change as most people will just want to download the maps ... for free.

07-23-2004, 03:18 AM
Good luck in getting that feedback ...

I haven't followed the custom maps community for quite a while - but I'll tell you what I've learned in the past ...

In my experience 90% of ppl don't really bother giving any sort of feedback or support at all - as haircut said - they just want the maps, quickly for free ...

When I was running fakemaps.com (back in the stoneage) the majority of communication with "customers" where endless whining mails regarding why they were banned - or how stupid the admin was etc etc ...

In order to figure out if you are doing things right you have to resort to looking at the number of page views and bandwith consumption - or in the case of a game server - how often it is filled up with players ... At least if you run a good server you should get a core group of regular players that will more or less move in on your server - this group of regular players will be your major source for feedback and support - This is where you can recruit admins and get pointers on whats good and whats not - often these are the guys that may actually contribute financially as well ...

Another way of finding out if you are doing things right is to see how many other sites are "qouting" your news and/or stealing your links and such ...

Good luck on the work! :)

07-23-2004, 06:02 AM
make it more dod'ish and less general mapping.

have maps that people would ACTUALLY play on it ... no dod_dust .... unless your making a dod remake of it with new textures and what not. just not dust with dod players.

07-23-2004, 07:27 AM
i personally love 1dod.com. the good thing about it is that they have such a wide variety of maps and you can almost find anything your looking for. everytime i release a map i usually go and let them know about it. as for getting more feedback from the community.....i dunno maybe it would help in having a game server running which who attract more people maybe that never heard about you. mapper interviews would be cool. im not really sure how you really would though because you're basically just giving maps to people which is great. I dunno, i'm really clueless. and i'm also gonna put your website in my sig=)


08-01-2004, 06:15 PM
Sorry for bumping this thread...

Thank you for your replies, we will be working on a few points touched with the replies.

Maybe a shoutbox on the front page so people can easily leave a message!
Thanks El Capitan,
we will give it a try.. never had a shoutbox at 1dod. (a few days and we should have one)

interviews with mappers
Thanks Thursday,
I'm more than willing to do this, It actually sounds neat.. but I'm not sure many mappers would want to be interviewed by me.

a more ww2 theme layout for the web site? your site is in my sig More news then just map releases. Maybe map WIPs, Official map news, updates of mapping tools.
Thanks Neutrino...
I cant get a more w2 theme right now, I'm not a good person for images and such... I will look at more news than just map releases... WIP's will be supported soon... but I will add mapping tools to our database soon, and would appreciate any updates I could get from anyone.. {Thanks for your support Neutrino, with your link and all.

You have the same problem Houston dod had.
This is something that won't change as most people will just want to download the maps ... for free.
Thanks haircut,
I'm not sure that we "have the same problem as houstondod did"... We have never asked for any money, nor will we. I mean how could we? We didn't make what we offer for download.. we just try to support maps and the map makers. (by support I meant people helping us and posting in our forums)

In order to figure out if you are doing things right you have to resort to looking at the number of page views and bandwith consumption
Thanks Fakedawg.

1DoD does well with hits/bandwith, just trying to find a way to get people involved with 1DoD.com. BTW I remember fakemaps :D

make it more dod'ish and less general mapping.
have maps that people would ACTUALLY play on it ...

Thanks smak-,
1dod is about custom maps.. we are most likely gona expand to WIP's and map tools...But we are all about custom maps. (may build on it though) As far as maps that "people would ACTUALLY play on" We are creating a rate/review type thing.. (a week or so-mabe :P).. but we will host all maps for the sake of things, a resource of sorts.

.....i dunno maybe it would help in having a game server running which who attract more people maybe that never heard about you. mapper interviews would be cool. I'm not really sure how you really would though because you're basically just giving maps to people which is great.

Thanks TrojanTiger,
We cant do a server right now.. we had one for about 6 months and it got very little play. I'm all for doing interviews with mappers... Thanks for your support TrojanTiger with your link and all.

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