[Stupid Req] Firing range

07-19-2004, 07:02 AM
I'd like a simple firing range map. Four lanes with a target at the end, and small open back open top closed side boothes on the other. Further behind them should be a closed booth with a door and a large window infront. To its left a line upon the ground about ennough for 14 people to stand on. In the booth there would need to be a button for each target that will force it to come down the rail and stop infront of the firer's booth.

Anyone wanna do this? It's for the training purposes of a DoD Realism unit known as the 5th Ranger Battalion.

Any questions or further details, or if you'll do it, my AIM is HandyROTC, MSN is Wittmann_SS@hotmail.com

El Capitan
07-19-2004, 07:05 AM
i'm sure you can do this yourself....find a tutorial on how to create a basic room, and use wally to make a white texture with a target on it....its pretty simple, could be done in about 5 mins probz depending on the detail you want, etc, etc :)

Learn yourself, its the best way hehe!

07-19-2004, 07:30 AM
Check this out, it may something like what you want


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