Searching leveldesigner for level in Holland

07-09-2004, 09:28 AM
(sorry for the bad english)

I was very suprised to find not one little map of Holland. Holland was one of the most important countries during World War II. So I was wondering if a good designer could help me creating a very good map of Holland. I have some very great idieas. Personally I'm very interested in WWII, so I would like to help a leveldesinger creating a map of Holland!


07-09-2004, 03:30 PM
dod_escape is a level in holland right? Oh, and what country that was occupied in ww2 is not an important country? :p

07-09-2004, 03:55 PM
What part of Holland would you concider, Arnhem?
Anyway, I'm pretty interested, the thing only is; I got very little time ... And yes, I also believe dod_escape takes place in Holland, ask IR, the evil menkey:p

If you are really not able to find anyone, PM me, maybe I can be of some meaning to you. Untill then: succes.


07-10-2004, 01:32 AM
I also like the idea of more maps in DoD that take place in Holland. I know IR and Invasion Works have done some maps in Holland in the past. Let's hope that the DoD: Source release brings us more Dutch maps :p

If you have good ideas, I think the best solution for now is to start mapping on your own. Hammer editor really ain't that hard to use. If you are planning to base your map on a historical location, try to get as much documentation as possible.

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