RELEASE: dod_belfort_b2

07-03-2004, 12:06 PM

Updates include:
-"The Destroyed House" is 2x bigger and more detailed than before.
-Mortar messages moved one inch from the bottom in the middle of the screen.
-Removed skinny tunnel from Allied spawn to "The Destroyed House"
-Added tunnel connecting the tops of both ladders that go to the lower tunnels.
-Removed bulb models/entity lights and replaced with hanging lanterns/texture lighting.
-Added building connecting middle to Allied HQ area with awning, windows and other goodies.
-Removed some redundant particle effects.
-Added fancier anti-spawncamping in Allied Spawn areas (Trip Mines!)
-Stopped the moving water, only flowing water is in the tunnel.
-Removed a handful of sounds that no longer made sense.
-Fixed the speed, colour and placement of the spawn-warning messages.
-Removed or altered a few new MG nests.
-Added small bit of wall broken from Axis gates to middle cap to allow jumping over the retaining wall.
-Removed a handful of trees/bushes that weren't necessary.
-Removed walls and added hill+fence combo in additional areas.
-Removed dead-end with the fallen tree and replaced with wooden door.
-Lowered skybox while still keeping high enough to keep detail and allow grenade throws.
-Removed a few known sticky or troublesome areas on the grass.
-New textures in some areas and texture fixes/alignments in others.
-Newer credits included in .txt
-More custom objective sprites (easier to understand)
-Nicer belltower in chapel


07-03-2004, 12:23 PM
much better. thanks!

07-03-2004, 03:56 PM
The previous beta is in the map testing rotation on Battle for Europe right now. I hope they could change to this later beta for map testing, due to the improvements :) . Thumbs up!

07-04-2004, 12:56 AM
/me downloads

i played this a few times on kustom kettle, i just didnt quite feel it was a good multiplayer map.. it was kinda mazey and the axis kept camping by the allied middle spawn point (by the river, on the roof, by the window). i dunno, ill check this out and see if i like it better. (VERY nice mapwork though, everything fits well and flows nicely)

07-04-2004, 01:22 AM
seems pretty similar. i like all the detail you put into the houses. i like the new house, it fits well. there is a hovering brick in the area at the bottom of the ladders in the building by the church. thats the only mistake i caught, but i went through it pretty fast. keep up the nice mapping. (there is nothing wrong with the map, i guess i just prefer maps with a little more freedom to roam - ie: there aren't walls on both sides of me and only one way to run)

German Killa
07-04-2004, 08:18 AM DL Link (

Map is also running on our Server and can load ingame too:)

07-04-2004, 01:40 PM
There really is a lot of freedom to roam (if you went through it quickly you might not have found a lot of the connections...I've had many complaints it was too big or complex, so how can it be mazy with only one way to run?)'s also set in a way that it's not just a random mess of buildings, I purposely went for a style that wasn't of the usual. It was a test, so like "fun" maps some hate them some love them. To each their own. Thank you for the mirrors, although I find the lack of interest in some maps mine or others really discouraging.

[CS] Jedi
07-04-2004, 03:25 PM
Thank you for the mirrors, although I find the lack of interest in some maps mine or others really discouraging.

I love this map - the updates only made it better. It is nice to have maps that aren't the typical DOD map style - to break up the monotony. I especially like the tunnels that connect almost every building.

Just wanted to give you some encouragement - keep up the great work. :D

Map is available for download on our server and our website.

DOD Christian Soldiers ( [CS]-ChristianSoldiers-v1.2-STM

07-04-2004, 07:53 PM
i played it today. everything plays well. im not sure if this was in the previous version of what, but theres a house and if you go in too far, you get killed with a tripmine. I dont think I saw a warning. couldnt u just block this area off a little? i think its when your Axis. i know its for spawn protection, but insta-kill. :(

07-04-2004, 07:55 PM
There should be a message that pops up. Try it again perhaps? That's the anti-spawncamping in place for the allied HQ...basically as Axis don't go into the two ground floor doors of the Allied HQ.

07-05-2004, 11:27 PM
by mazy, i meant that i feel like im in a maze as there are walls on both sides of me and one way to run. well two, forwards and backwards, no place to hide, nothing to go into. also, i didnt mean to offend you, as i said in my previous comment its a great map, time well spent, just not really my type of map. (but wayyyy better than some of the well-played maps like zafod and avalanche)

07-06-2004, 01:25 AM
Also, it might be a bit unusual of sorts for some because my only goals were to have a map that used natural terrain as cover as well as have 0 crates. It's fine if it's not your thing, I have the same with some other customs, I love how they look and everything but their play style is not for me. But as long as you give good feedback you never know what I could create next. :p

Colonel Forbin
07-06-2004, 07:17 AM
i love the new version, but I'm pretty sure one of my dumb teammates killed me by going over the trip mines and setting off an explosion.

07-06-2004, 03:09 PM
Added mirror at

07-07-2004, 10:39 PM
Originally posted by Colonel Forbin
i love the new version, but I'm pretty sure one of my dumb teammates killed me by going over the trip mines and setting off an explosion.

Yeah, you can have great fun sometimes with the radii of those blasts. From stats taken of b2 the flag and full caps have been almost dead even which is what I had hoped for. With 1.3 the mortars work again so the map is fully functioning. I'll do the final version in a few months after collecting data/response and such from both servers and players. But I'll certainly be using what I have available to my advantage. Thank you to those who're mirrors/servers, I'll be sure to drop in and spread the word.

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