what gives?

05-09-2003, 03:05 PM
Ok, so i got me some new sleave models. So i'm going along replacing all the sleave.bmp files on all allied and axis weapons, and it's all workin fine. Until i come to the v_garand file. When i try importing the sleave file it tells me "Texture must be of same size. I haven't altered the file in any way, and i never got this with any other weapons. Why is it doing this and how can i fix it?

05-09-2003, 03:07 PM
hmm, i just remembered that i replaced my garand file. Im guessing that's what the problem is. can someone post the default v_garand file, i forgot the back mine up. Thanks.

05-09-2003, 03:07 PM
Originally posted by PedroTheLion
Ok, so i got me some new sleave models. So i'm going along replacing all the sleave.bmp files on all allied and axis weapons, and it's all workin fine. Until i come to the v_garand file. When i try importing the sleave file it tells me "Texture must be of same size. I haven't altered the file in any way, and i never got this with any other weapons. Why is it doing this and how can i fix it?

Resize it to match the old one


05-09-2003, 03:10 PM
oh, stupid me. i didn't even see the part where it shows the size it's supposed to be. ok, nevermind.

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Material has been archived for the purpose of creating a knowledge base from messages posted between 2003 and 2008.