Problems with my overviews.

06-20-2004, 05:14 PM
I am currently in the process of making a map, and its about 90% done. It's a map I am making privately for a clan. I'm a well experienced mapper, but I have no clue about overviews. Here's what I did (following the tut at

Started game with -dev -map (the map name) and had sv_cheats 1, dev_overview 1, and hud_draw 0. I took the screenshot, wrote down the numbers that were in console, and exited the game. I put the .bmp in the overviews folder, and the txt. When I went in game, it says either something along the lines of "Error parsing overview file", and something like "Wrong overview image demensions". Heres the .txt:

// overview description file for dod_28th_drill_beta.bsp

ZOOM 1.84
ORIGIN -1106.20, -2226.32, 240.00

IMAGE "overviews/dod_28th_drill_beta.bmp"
HEIGHT -65.00

thanks for your help.

[edit] awww, i just realised i posted this in the wrong forum. I didn't see the tutorial/q&a subsection. SO SORRY :eek:

06-20-2004, 06:23 PM
Is it 1024x768?

06-20-2004, 07:28 PM

06-20-2004, 08:31 PM
is it 256 colour? .bmp or .tga? and is it correctly referenced in the .txt?

06-20-2004, 10:05 PM
if it isnt 1024X768 and 256, 8 bit color it will not work also your height is normally your Z max

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