Preview: dod_stalemate

06-20-2004, 03:06 PM
I won't lie to you... this is my first map :D

It may appear a little dark, but I took the screenshots at 1280x1024 then shrunk them down to 800x640. I want a dark,grim, and dramatic atmosphere anyways.

What I plan is for a fairly small map. I just want to finally finish a darn thing so I will be motivated to do bigger and better ones in the future!

The basic design is as follows:

[Allies Spawn] [Road] [Buildings] [Field] [Buildings] [Road] [Axis Spawn]

Very linear as you can see, but I may add alternate routes in order to flank. However, the goal of this is just to test my brushwork, so a fairly small area will contain more detail better ;)

Without further adieu...

Any comments or critques thusfar? I know it isn't too much at the moment, but I need encouragement to keep going :D

Andy Whyberd
06-20-2004, 03:23 PM
looks gd

06-20-2004, 03:26 PM
hey there,

crits on the map
not an awful lot to see
buildings could use some detail .. then one without roof/roof egde is what im aiming at.. its just "flat"
ava texture doesnt really do it much justice.. look around for some nicer wads klein released a bunch so did vodka, theres enough out there :)
the hedge looks flat i sugest doing multilayered hedges and having a 90 degree angle on hedge corneres is a big no no ;D
maybe use model hill to break the "look at me im in a box" effect

trow in some detail

keep going

06-20-2004, 07:33 PM
lookin pretty good

06-20-2004, 09:39 PM
i like the ava textures. looks good with the sky aswell. i suggest a new hedge texture all together, maybe the heateu one (with the pines). i dunno.

06-20-2004, 11:33 PM

I hope that doesnt hint at the game play :eek: lol

Well you seem to do good brushwork.

And texturing.

The black scorch mark by the blown windows is a nice touch.

Lighting aint that bad for the sky.

Need to see more pictures of stuff though.

06-21-2004, 01:25 PM
Thanks guys :)

I have been working on it some:

I've started work on the church that is across that field (opposite of the buildings in the first set of shots). Just a note of the interior, the side opposite of the cross is incomplete.

Also, I think that building you are referring to IR is just a placeholder :) That will certainly change.

I'm debating whether or not to have that church across the field though...

The name will depend on which point I decide that it's finished :p I have another name in mind as well.

06-21-2004, 01:41 PM
Instead of using the avalanche busted rock texture on your wood parts that are broken try the attached one. Here's how I use's a tad dark but middle right hand side:

06-21-2004, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by FuzzDad
Instead of using the avalanche busted rock texture on your wood parts that are broken try the attached one. Here's how I use's a tad dark but middle right hand side:

Thank you sir :)

Colonel Forbin
06-21-2004, 02:39 PM
I'm not really digging that skybox. I think we're seeing way to much of the sidebox, and it's not great. There's got to be a better one somewhere.

Steel Blade
06-21-2004, 03:04 PM
Looks nice and dark, very atmospheric keep up the good work :)

06-21-2004, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by Colonel Forbin
I'm not really digging that skybox. I think we're seeing way to much of the sidebox, and it's not great. There's got to be a better one somewhere.

Yeah, I love the sky itself, but not the terrain in it. I will keep my eye out though for a better one.

06-21-2004, 04:55 PM
looks good, the terrain seems pretty nice, especially the fact it is bumpy. teh buldings seem a little square. not too sure how to improve on that though.
06-22-2004, 02:43 AM
its realy nice ...
i dont belive this is your first map !!
lie !!
love your bombed out church

06-22-2004, 01:22 PM
You're picking up on how to design rubble and buildings very well, giving it the war-torn feel. As for texturing, you can always retexture it later but at least you have an idea of how to use a texture set. It's hard to tell what the gameplay will be like from those pictures...there aren't any wider shots yet of a larger area.

My advice is to map the whole thing and get people to play it....get real criticism and feedback. You will learn a lot more by just banging it out and seeing what works and what doesn't.

Keep up the good work.

06-23-2004, 03:09 AM
I'm digging those chruch ruins. Well made.

Oh and once you have buildings around the side of the map, you wont see much of the terrain.

06-23-2004, 11:56 AM
Originally posted by izuno
You're picking up on how to design rubble and buildings very well, giving it the war-torn feel. As for texturing, you can always retexture it later but at least you have an idea of how to use a texture set. It's hard to tell what the gameplay will be like from those pictures...there aren't any wider shots yet of a larger area.

My advice is to map the whole thing and get people to play it....get real criticism and feedback. You will learn a lot more by just banging it out and seeing what works and what doesn't.

Keep up the good work.

Thanks Izuno (I love Switch, it has been a big influence :D).

I'm actually considering stopping this map and working on a more properly designed (technically and gameplay wise) map. Right now, this one isn't too nice on r_speeds and I have given thought to the layout, but didn't keep r_speeds too much in mind.

However, I will probably reuse the buildings from this project in a more proper map :)

Thanks for all of your support :D

By the way, when I say 'first map,' I meant proper map :P I have had literally years of practice at brushwork and never really compiled :p But this was my first serious map :)

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