small bug in dod_vincenca, your opinion about it

06-16-2004, 10:42 AM

A pretty long time ago I noticed a small bug in - the excellent map - dod_vincenca. As seen on the screenshot ( there's a obvious brush with a 'woodtexture' what probably shoud be the bark of the tree. The developer of this map only forgot to add some important values to it. What I find strange is that this bug hasn't been removed since the last major update.

The texture used on the brush ensures that when the bark (the brush with the wood texture) of the tree is hit by a bullet, it gives a 'bullet-strikes-on-wood' sound and a sprite wich shows a piece of wood falling of the bark. The mapper forgot to change the (probably) valueless brush to a func_wall and to change the 'render' to texture or only forgot to set the render to texture(probably).

It's not that I like to give pointless critics on good maps, I just like to see some reaction on this subject. I''m sure that some of you people questioned this issue before an did nothing with it.

Again, I really think this map is great. Please don't flame,


06-16-2004, 10:44 AM
Wow never noticed that. And I got that path all the time...I feel retarded.

06-16-2004, 12:42 PM
Known a long time ago. It's an arse to update a full .bsp just for something small like that though.

06-17-2004, 01:47 AM
What gets me is, the clip brush is actully like that on all the trees.

Why so damn tall :confused:

06-17-2004, 01:55 AM
Originally posted by Gorbachev
Known a long time ago. It's an arse to update a full .bsp just for something small like that though.

06-17-2004, 06:50 AM
never played the map to notice

06-17-2004, 12:51 PM
yep this bug has been known for a while. during the 1.1 update process this "didn't get correct"

basically I have a new version of Vicenza that fixes that plus fixes some other problems but it didn't go out in 1.2 because we were really really really really etc swamped with the new maps and some major fixes for other maps.

Hopefully we can roll out the new vicenza over steam soon.


06-17-2004, 02:02 PM
interesting new sign carnage ;)

someone inspired you ? :P

06-17-2004, 05:23 PM
yah. you and h&d2.

Im just not sure what to do with it though.
I had it 3 times that size for a regular all out bridge battle with wrecks all over the place and smoke, craters, hogs..ect but i was at about 1300 wpoly and 8000 eploy. not THAT bad, but it was just a long bridge.

06-18-2004, 06:17 AM
Status: Offline
yep this bug has been known for a while. during the 1.1 update process this "didn't get correct"

basically I have a new version of Vicenza that fixes that plus fixes some other problems but it didn't go out in 1.2 because we were really really really really etc swamped with the new maps and some major fixes for other maps.

Hopefully we can roll out the new vicenza over steam soon.

Thanks for clearing this up. Again, I'd like to say I thinks Switch and vincenza are really good maps. I like to play them alot :) .



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