How to make my own ''{'' textures...

06-09-2004, 04:37 PM

I'm trying to make my own textures so that parts of it will be invissible (like a half-rotten poster or so). I know to use the ''{'' sign in front of the actual name and that the color blue that's used must be pure blue. Still it does show up as blue ingame...
Do I have to code for this?{sphq_iwojima.jpg

The picture is in .jpg format so that the original clors wouldn't match, this is because of webspace issues.

Any answers would be appreciated,


06-09-2004, 06:02 PM
I havnt done hl1 moding in a while but i know that you can not have any g or r values

Open up the image in a program like photoshop and select your blue area (mask) make sure the blue is set up like this

Red - 0
Green - 0
Blue - 255

Then name the file with a { like you said

So the name will look like this


That should work

06-09-2004, 06:27 PM
It doesn't matter what colour it is. It's the placement in the palette that matters. The see-through color for a "solid" rendered textures is the last spot on the palette. Most people make it true-blue or true-red just because it stands out more than most colours. It can be whatever you want, just has to be the texture in the last position in the palette.

06-10-2004, 01:44 AM
Gorbachev is right but this might help:

06-10-2004, 03:14 AM
Also, the texture will appear blue ingame unless it is applied on a brush-based entity (render mode solid - render amount 255).

06-10-2004, 05:58 AM
Thanks for all your replies, but I did it all. I made sure the color I used was true-blue, I added a '{' in front of it's name and I made a func_illusionary of it and changed the rendermode to solid and selected renderamount to r 0 - g 0 - b 255.

It still appears blue ingame :(

What I'll do next is checking what I might have overlooked.
Thanks for your advice NC17, Gorbachev, haircut and Mythic_Kruger,


06-10-2004, 06:16 AM
Okay this is how you do it.
When you create the texture (I assume in Adobe Photoshop) you work on it in RGB. When you wish to save it as an 256 color 8-bit BMP you need to convert it. When you choose "INDEXED COLOR" it has a pop down menu with many choices. By default it will go to Adaptive. What this does is calculate the color table for you. This in turn places the colors anywhere on the table. In order for the color to render out, it needs to be the last on the table. So instead of Adaptive choose CUSTOM. It will open the 256 color table which you can define the colors. Make sure the last square (bottom right corner) is either full green/red/blue. Then remove all colors of similar hues and replace with black or color you want (this stops the halo you sumtimes get from poorly made textures). Now once you have done this save as bitmap and do all the render solid 255 stuff in hammer. This should make it work ;)

06-10-2004, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by greyhound
Thanks for all your replies, but I did it all. I made sure the color I used was true-blue, I added a '{' in front of it's name and I made a func_illusionary of it and changed the rendermode to solid and selected renderamount to r 0 - g 0 - b 255.

It still appears blue ingame :(

What I'll do next is checking what I might have overlooked.
Thanks for your advice NC17, Gorbachev, haircut and Mythic_Kruger,

greyhound lol
FX Amount is set to 255

not FX Colour....

06-10-2004, 05:15 PM
if you're using wally to add the texture to your wad, i've found it has a little quirk which can stop it from working
if you modify an existing texture and rename it with a { it doesnt seem to work for me
but if you go (right click on the texture in wally) 'copy', then (right click again) paste as new, and name it {mytreez, it should work

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