How to make bullets reflect on metal (sprite).

06-07-2004, 03:03 AM

It may sound a bit stupid but I need to know how to make models reflect a 'metalflash' sprite when hit by a bullet. I tried to just cover the model with a 'metaltexture', it shows the sprite but also the boxes:rolleyes:.

Does anybody has the answer?

Thanks in advance,


06-07-2004, 04:35 AM
Make it "Texture" and set FX (transparency) to 0.

06-07-2004, 07:15 AM
Thanks Craftos!


T Sex-Pest
06-07-2004, 01:08 PM
You've just answered the very same question I was going to ask. However, my situation's a little more tricky.

To re-phrase the original question.... "How do you make a func_breakable reflect a 'metalflash' sprite when hit by a bullet?" For my purpose, the bullet will not break the object because it has the "trigger only" flag ticked.

The problem is, if I set the render mode to texture like you said, the texture "glows" for a better word compared to say, a wall stood next to it which uses the same texture.

06-07-2004, 01:37 PM
Set the rendermode to solid

T Sex-Pest
06-07-2004, 01:57 PM
Just set rendermode to solid, FX amount still at zero (as per original answer) & now my object's invisible. It's still there to touched & shot but it can't be seen ?

The original question mentioned a metaltexture, not sure if I've selected this since I still saw no sparks when firing at my invisible object. How do you know which texture's are metal?

06-08-2004, 03:49 AM
.....\dod\sounds\material.txt, in Steam you will have to use GCFScape to get it from GCF file. For breakables (or any visible brushes), here are links between materials and texture names. Sadly, you can't add your own (in easy way).

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