another project

06-04-2004, 06:08 PM
Here are some pics from another project i am 50% done with.An underground facility housing sercret ww2 weapons of the nazi's and a large stash of munitions and weapons.

06-04-2004, 06:40 PM
its good to see a map that is mainly inside. Kinda like Medal of Honor but yea, outside maps are soooooooooooooo common :O)

06-04-2004, 08:25 PM
Well thank you for the kind comment.I am trying to go a different direction because of a photo I saw of the massive underground manufacturing complex the nazi's had built.And the old half life engine sure likes indoor enviroment for good frame rate.I remember first time playing half life and thinking when will I ever get top side and now here i am mapping tunnels :)

06-04-2004, 08:45 PM
Originally posted by Lewis
... outside maps are soooooooooooooo common :O)

Hey, i like outside maps :p

On topic
Maybe you could have a bit of diversity in lighting and texture
and also a overview would be nice.

Looking good so far :cool:.

06-04-2004, 11:46 PM
ah the overview so many obstacles.I haven't even attempted an overview yet,not sure how to looks like a paint editing thing.I have several different lighting schemes going on in sub pen area and in access tunnels will post more pics soon.

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