Why do some maps have crappy preformance

05-31-2004, 06:33 PM
All right guys seeing how you are amppers and know why maps suck sometimes I want to know why do some maps suck ass. A couple of maps that my clans plays just blow preformance wise. All of the other maps are good even charlie plays with no lag on my comp but Haunt and a few others just blow and Haunt has no huge open spaces to lag on. So can someone tell me why??

05-31-2004, 06:47 PM
Maps lag for a lot of different reasons. Wide open spaces are the only places that will lag the Half-life engine. An enclosed area with a lot of detail will cause the engine to lag. Bad brushwork will cause lag. Using to many models causes lag in a lot of maps as well. Also alot of the times in online play it is not the map that is causing the lag, its the server, or the clients ISP.

05-31-2004, 09:27 PM
Does haunt have flashing lights? Like lightning or interior lights that flicker? Those babies cause HUGE lag.

05-31-2004, 09:29 PM
Actually I dont think that it does. Plus other maps that have them really dont lag at all, like solitude. Maybe the map maker was just retarded and did a bad job. A bunch of the guys in my league have this problem on these two maps.

06-01-2004, 12:16 AM
Typically map lags from hidden bugs and/or lot of models used with bad vis. Current HL engine draws them according to bounding box so typically it draws a lot more than in older versions. Overall not much you can do, only mapper can.

06-01-2004, 01:50 AM
I think comparing official maps like Charlie to custom maps like Haunt is giving the answer in itself:

official maps are all tweaked out to get rid of such lagcausing bugs. Offical maps are so elaborated to meet the industrial standards imposed by the dev-team (which is a good thing!)

Custom maps are made by custom mappers, gamers who do this for fun, who don't have such restrictions imposed upon them except for the restrictions they make for themselves. A good mapper is recognized not only for his talent to make a great map, but also a map that performs well in different situations. And, tbh, there are many custom mappers out there but only a few who have the talent to make a map look good AND perform excellent no a lot of machines!

my .02 cents :)

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