Your First Map (First Timer's Tutorial)

Pvt. ZeRo
05-27-2004, 12:32 PM
Ok, so you wanna make a map. First you will need all the tools. I'm sure you'll find a thread with some info. Probably 1 of the stickied ones. Prepare to be enlightened. Read Below. This will take a moment to type :D

Pvt. ZeRo
05-27-2004, 12:42 PM
Create a box with the demensions 512x512x128 (length, width, height). Select the box with the (ill just call it the:) arrow tool, and press ctrl+h to hollow it out. Change the units from 32 to 16. That should be good. Now, browse the textures, find a pretty one, and select it. Then select ur leet hollowed out box and apply the texture to it. Now u've got urself a 1337 room since ur a 1337 m4pp3r. Now, select the entity tool (like a lightbulb) on the toolbar, and click in the middle of the room. Use all ur views until its centered in the top view, and use one of the side views to make it like 1 "square" away from the "ceiling" of ur room. Press enter. Select the little orange boxy thing now (this is ur entity). Press alt+enter to goto properties. From the drop down menu select light. Woah ur leet, you now have a light!!! Now Create another entity, and make it an info_player_allies. Select it, hold shift, and drag it across the map. Woah u made a copy! This is much more effecient than copy+pasting. Now alt+enter on this and change it to info_player_axis. U now have ur two player spawns. Create another entity and change it to a ambient_generic. Change sound name to "/sounds/ambience/dod_ambience5.wav". You got sound. Now export to .map, and compile. Later.


05-27-2004, 03:30 PM
You should make a simple website that includes pictures of what you're doing. I'm sure every new mapper would appreciate it. As a purely text-based tutorial might be misplaced very quickly.

05-27-2004, 09:04 PM

06-01-2004, 01:39 AM
Originally posted by Pvt. ZeRo
Prepare to be enlightened

Surely this guy ain't serious ... is he?

Astro's link to the good old FakeMaps tut is still one of the best DoD mapping tuts there is.

Lots of other nice links at the top of this list as well:

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