
05-27-2004, 07:50 AM
i've just had dod_dog1 semi working in dod 1.2 ;)
i'm not a mapper though and there's a funny thing happnening on the beach:

anyone have any ideas?

El Capitan
05-27-2004, 07:57 AM

hmmm don't know what the problem is sorry :(

maybe its a corrupt entity or something, try playing with the func_water a bit it may be that?

sorry can't be loads of help

05-27-2004, 09:10 AM
i was just playing there lol

i figured it would be a crappy sprite (shows how much i know about mapping and dod in general) when i tried taking out the dog1_fog it crashed on meh : P

the water didnt slow the game down too much (the lack of people slowed the map down) : )


05-27-2004, 10:08 AM
Weird. Those 2 "tidal waves" you see are actually func_doors. They are suppose lie horizontally flat and actually fly outta the map to extend the ocean beyond the Hammer grid at the beginning of the map. It seems somehow the func_doors are screwed. Maybe you need to fix the orientation of the func_door entities. Perhaps, now in 1.2 func_doors don't keep orientations. After all, i noticed a wrong hill model orientation in Merderet in 1.1, though that might be the mapper's mistake.

Can you shoot through the water? Does bullets go through it? Does it produce water richochets? Does it block players? Does it block movement? Does it block grenades?

Does it work in 1.0? Does it work in 1.1?

05-27-2004, 11:30 AM
i have no idea if it works in dod 1 or 1.1
in fact i've just changed it by adding more of the original dod 2.1
sprites and the dod 2.1 dod_dog1.bsp coz the beach didn't seem as dangerous as i is now!

i'll do some more testing later today or tomorrow and let you know about the bullets in water etc.
as i said above, i'm not a mapper, so func entities are lost on me.

05-27-2004, 05:35 PM
Sing with me guys

Everybody surrrrfin', srufin' USA...


05-27-2004, 07:37 PM
hah!! yeah screw the higgins boats, from now on the allies will surf into omaha beach : )

05-28-2004, 06:37 AM
Maybe you need to fix the orientation of the func_door entities. Perhaps, now in 1.2 func_doors don't keep orientations.
that seems to be correct. before the round starts the sea is ok, it flips up as soon as the round starts, also on certain parts of the map the sea walls vanish. when shooting into the normal sea there are splashes, explosions etc as normal.
the tidal waves don't block ppl or bullets, but there are no splashes when you shoot into it.

05-28-2004, 12:16 PM
i remeber seeing that when i tried out dog1 on 1.1.

entities have changed alot since 2.1

Its need fixing.

05-28-2004, 05:55 PM
hey guys ya thats it a kick ass map and i have it for dod 1.0 and yes that stuiped wall of water is there and it looks like **** with it there but the rest of the map is kick ass :) so i hop some can fix this so i can get it for dod 1.0 cuz its a fucn map but i would be better is that wall wasnt there LOL

05-29-2004, 11:20 AM
Yea, i think 1.1's and later versions must have caused this. I remembered codings were done to fix the non-resetting entities in 1.0. Entities always reset when round starts. Unforunately, it doesn't work very friendly with dod_dog1..and thus ressetted the func_door entity to it's default orientation when the round starts....

The reason why u can't shoot through the func_door tidalwave or open/close it is because the func_door is set to Non-Solid and disabled usage for both teams.

05-29-2004, 12:13 PM
no its not down to new versions of steam i still use 1.0 at mo and that map has always been like that in the water its about time sombody fixed it i reckon any offers anybody? lol

05-30-2004, 06:36 PM
I put this together because i was lazy and well i dont want this to fade away
im relatively new to dod (started in 3.1) so i never was able to play this great map
ok lets get started (note these are all 1024 x 768 jpegs)

here are a few shots of the wall

the wall disapears in spec mode

the water wall func_door thing is The main problem, the map plays fine otherwise (it plays fine with it but anywho)
Also when looking around in spec mode i found this
in the back of the map there is this bunker
and in the back of the bunker theres this
its a ladder which you can only get half way up
theres a area up there that seems like people should be able to use so im not sure if its a error like the sea wall or just there for the heck of it

I would love to see someone work on it but unfortunatly I have no way of hosting the map itself :(

05-31-2004, 03:11 AM
yep the map plays fine. i noticed the ladder too, it's like theres 2 ladders overlapping somehow. i ran a dod 2.1 server to see how it's supposed to look and play like and it's just the tidal wave and
ladder that are different.
i have to say dim reaper was well ahead with his explosive sprites etc. it's still a good looking map.
i checked performance while the map was running and it seems to use less memory than dod_caen, which surprised me.
would there not be a way to just delete that entity from the map?

Trp. Jed
05-31-2004, 04:29 AM
Yeah, you can bin or change the entities - I've done stuff like that on loads of maps like disabling ladders, moving flags, day-to-night, etc.

I had someone aske me how to fix dog1 last night on a server - I'll take a crack at it if someone can furnish me with a download to the latest (i.e. last released) version of dog1.

- Jed

05-31-2004, 05:30 AM
i found two versions one has a big bsp 14 mb
the other is 11 mb
the big one has all the exploding beach sprites.
you can get it here:

it won't be there for long...good luck :)

05-31-2004, 08:20 AM
hey jed, i was the one who bugged you yesterday :P
yay for parachuting (or just jumping out of the window) in avalanche

anyway i found this while searching for a download link

this is the 11.3 mb map

comes with everything you'll need

05-31-2004, 09:33 AM
Has anyone checked the Invasionworks site to see if they have an updated version?

05-31-2004, 09:59 AM
it's the 11 mb one.
the other zip (14 mb) comes straight from dod 2.1.
the bigger zip has the beach explosions which for me is a vital part of the map.
i noticed earlier that the sides of the map stand up too. there are smaller tidal waves, and there are two side bits of beach that end up vertical in the middle of the beach.

05-31-2004, 10:56 AM
Invasionworks has nothing new just checked it

Trp. Jed
05-31-2004, 12:22 PM
Originally posted by Mego
hey jed, i was the one who bugged you yesterday :P
yay for parachuting (or just jumping out of the window) in avalanche

anyway i found this while searching for a download link

this is the 11.3 mb map

comes with everything you'll need

Cheers mego. I'll see what I can do. Give me a couple of days as I've got some other stuff going on too. I'll use the bugs reported in the previous thread as a "to fix" list.

- Jed

05-31-2004, 12:36 PM
do what you can when you can, there is no rush :)

Trp. Jed
05-31-2004, 12:47 PM
I feel a night rain version coming on... lol

- Jed

05-31-2004, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by Trp. Jed
I feel a night rain version coming on... lol


05-31-2004, 04:41 PM
yeah it was overcast!! not night!!!

GAH!!! : )

06-01-2004, 12:07 AM
Actually, historical acccruacy doesn't actually matter in Dog1 since it's modelled after SPR. Except for the back rear Axis bunker (and that's the only Omaha authentic bunker i've seen), nothing else in Dog1 is historically accruate to the real Omaha beach. Of course, there are realistic signs and all, and definitely Dog1 is one of the maps that try to be especially historically accruate in certain areas.

Anyway, a rain version would be interesting..would really add to the atmosphere. LOL..kinda like RTCW at night but raining.

I've tried hacking dod_glider to add rain, but somehow it caused the variuos brush-based entities (which are suppose to be invisible), end up being visible and showing the AAATRIGGER texture. Lol. the glider field is loaded with tons of entities, man! And some of the models become oriented in the wrong position. So, becareful if u try changing entities in maps...especially complicated maps. I didn't successfully did it.

06-05-2004, 02:46 PM
Jed, I'm not sure if you can do this in a recompile, but one of the biggest complaints with dog1 when it was released was that it was hard as hell to cap for the Allies, since the Axis could cap back all the flags.

If you could change it to being a fixed-cap flag map, I think people would cheer.

06-05-2004, 05:07 PM
Originally posted by Glidias
I've tried hacking dod_glider to add rain, but somehow it caused the variuos brush-based entities (which are suppose to be invisible), end up being visible and showing the AAATRIGGER texture. Lol. the glider field is loaded with tons of entities, man! And some of the models become oriented in the wrong position. So, becareful if u try changing entities in maps...especially complicated maps. I didn't successfully did it.

You didn't know we added anti-hakzors entities in the last release?


Trp. Jed
06-05-2004, 05:28 PM
To be honest I've based at dog1 for a while now and I think whatever changed in the code for handling door resets (those doors on the beach stay down until the round starts) cant be fixed with an entity hack.

One could decompile the map to fix it but this is crossing the moral boundry I'm happy with and I think its up to the mapper or someone with their blessing to do this sort of work.

- Jed

06-06-2004, 03:12 AM
i tried to decompile the bsp but it seems to be too big.
i think you'd need the rmf or map file to have a chance.
thx for having a go Jed.

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Material has been archived for the purpose of creating a knowledge base from messages posted between 2003 and 2008.