Custom Thompson and arms

05-22-2004, 07:59 PM
Hey guys!

Got a quick questions. I'm making a completly custom Thompson, ive gotten my skins back from my skinners and now im working on the animations. The thing im wondering about is the arms.

When i decompiled the standard model i see that there is a axis_sleeve.smd and a us_sleeve.smd. How do these work in relation to the model and how do i incorporate them into my model?

Thanks Guys,
[907th] Twigee

**Posted on for twigs by [907th] Cloud - Thanks Buddy

05-22-2004, 10:07 PM
ill try and explain

those two smds are submodels.

What they do is change the look of the sleeves depending on what side of the player is thats holding the gun.

for example, if im a american, the us.smd will be shown, if you die and a german picks up ur gun, the axis smd will now be on, they rotate.

in the qc file it will look like this:

// reference meshes
$body gun "2clip5b2slot444"

$body hands "hands3"

$bodygroup sleeve
studio "us_sleeve2arm3"
studio "axis_sleeve2arm2"

the blank is for the british one, but since a brit cant pick up a tommy, its not needed, so you write blank, but that blank is needed or u get funny **** happening

hope this helps a bit

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