A little animation help requested

05-22-2004, 12:17 AM

I still have to tweak it, but when I was testing there were some problems.

1. The animation plays jerky.

2. The animation runs in the air.

I don't know anything about this, but I figure 1) would be because of the FPS change in the QC (I think it was 30, but my animation is 40, which it doesn't even have to be). And 2) might be because of the placement of the character while animating.

If anything is obvious I'm missing or a good tutorial will help me out, no problem I'll look for it then. Otherwise, does anyone know why this happens? Any help is appreciated.

Ska Wars
05-22-2004, 04:44 AM
Did you make this animation by editing a previous one or starting from scratch?

If you started from scratch did you remember to drop the model down for the first key frame? By that I mean, open up a player model in milky and then import an animation. When you try and play the animation you'll notice it drops the model down by a couple of feet first. If you hadn't done this to your animation this could explain why its playing in the air.

Not too sure about the jerky animation though might wanna PM one of the animators on here about it. Only one I can think of that is online often is Cheeto although you may wanna give sushi a try too.

I'm mainly a modeller though, animation aint my thing so you'd be best getting one of their opinions.

- Ska

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