[BETA RELEASE] dod_belfort
05-19-2004, 08:21 PM
Well, just in time for 1.2 I've finished packing up dod_belfort for a beta release. There is currently nothing in the bug list and that's what the beta is for...to fill it up again so I can improve upon it. I'll let this beta play for a month or two to get a wide range of input and fix it until the eventual final version is released.
Current to-do for the final release:
-2 more custom objective sprites.
-Nicer anti-spawn camping methods for the Allied side.
Anyways, the file can be found here (http://members.shaw.ca/cplusdod/dod_belfort_beta.zip).
I've tested it both in v1.0 WON and v1.2 Steam and it works as intended.
r_speeds are generally in the 300-800 range with a few obscure spots reaching 900. So far as I know it doesn't go past 1000 anywhere.
Pictures (and file) can be found here (http://members.shaw.ca/gorb/dod_belfort/index.html).
If I could get some mirrors for the file that would be great, and the more people I can get to play the map the better.
I'm looking for feedback in all aspects especially places where it disrupts gameplay (i.e. sticky areas or places that you don't quite "fit" very well.) Anyways, feedback as you see fit. Enjoy.
05-19-2004, 08:30 PM
Very nice map.
05-19-2004, 08:43 PM
nice, looks unique.
05-20-2004, 10:40 AM
Mirror (http://www.ucfiles.com/files/pafiledb.php?action=file&id=473)
05-20-2004, 01:21 PM
I just gave the map a quick run through, I gotta same thats some dandy mapping my friend. I really like it, the layout can be a little confusing, but it all fits (IMO). The only problem I had was that the Overview doesn't show up.
05-20-2004, 03:41 PM
Will there be a scheduled playtest or are there any servers running this map? I would be glad to help out testing.
05-20-2004, 04:13 PM
map looks great :) good job!
05-20-2004, 04:41 PM
Nice work!
05-20-2004, 05:27 PM
Looks like a backyard battle in Normandy, very nice. :)
05-20-2004, 07:23 PM
Originally posted by DiGiTalySuICiDl
I just gave the map a quick run through, I gotta same thats some dandy mapping my friend. I really like it, the layout can be a little confusing, but it all fits (IMO). The only problem I had was that the Overview doesn't show up.
Sounds fishy, has anyone else had this problem?
[edit] And thanks Lewis for the mirror.
El Capitan
05-21-2004, 01:41 AM
good job, looks pretty sexeh!!
overview doesnt show up think you entered the wrong coordinates or forgot to add something asfar as the map:
nice work m8 the design on the houses are mint and good use of textures
the walls all around are very reptitve feels abit like a ratmaze
make some more use of that model hill i know its not as easy but will make the map look alot better, the way you did it in the spawns is great
second also with the walls all around you squazed houses and a church between them ... makes it look really fake and takes away from the nice arcitecture you build .. i know it ll be a pain and would require alot to be reworked .. i guess you wont but visually it just loses points right there :P
the tunnels are a nice addition but way to confusing sometimes abit to dark
i noticed lamps standing on the ground which is cool but they are EXACTLY on the same coordinates facing eachother .. which is kinda unreal to me .. nobody places lamps exactly oposit of eachother with a ruller or something :P
i know it sounds picky ..but thats just something i would keep in mind .. commen sence
next one is minor :P give blazeeer some credits for the textures man .. thats the least you can do in return for suchs a great set
overall its nice map, some things i wouldnt do and some things i dig
gj sofar :)
05-21-2004, 09:01 AM
I did a run through. (Nice sig on the back side of the church BTW)
Good: Small details are great. (Playing cards, lamps, broken trees, interior of the houses, etc) Its pretty smooth .. (not the smoothest, but decent for a map this size). Lighting seems pretty good.
Bad: Layout. This is a huge hangup for me. You have created a map that is essentially a huge chokepoint. There is little variation in the 'main route' .. and this big map will need 20+ ppl to play, so you will alway be running into chokepoints. (Think of Switches chokepoint .. but it runs all the way through your map). Not to mention there is only one way into the middle cap area for both teams (I believe this to be true?), there should be multiple ways into the middle cap area for both teams.
Tighten up the map. You could cut down alot of your work if you had your routes share the same walls. (I noticed alot of empty space in between some routes. Doing this would also tighten up the tunnel. The tunnel is too long and dark. One mg camped in a long part of the tunnel, and it is locked down. Also, there are ALOT of pointless dead ends on your map .. every area should lead to something important.
A good example of a tight map, with multiple routes, is Falaise/Bocage.
Open up more windows.
Hope this wasn't too harsh .. I think it looks great, but will play badly.
05-21-2004, 12:14 PM
I'll change what I can, but I'm at a ton of the compile limits, so I'm limited in what I can do. There is a .txt file dedicated to credits, Blazeeer is credited as are a bunch of others (it would be in your root dod directory.)
I can easily move those lamps a little bit, knock a few over or whatever.
The whole point of the map was to not really have a main route, I wanted something different than the usual DoD map. There are 4 or 5 different ways to get into the main area. (From the axis side through the gates, from the tunnels into the basement of the house with the chimney, from the tunnels off of the path area into the back/hidden door of the other part of "the Estate" (that tunnel is also connected to the lower tunnels and a small opening behind the house with the chimney as well as the entire other side has a tunnel opening into the trench. I think that's quite a bit more than 1 :)
If you could define which areas are real dead-ends that would be nicer, because as I see it there really are only 4 and they're just there for effect and aren't long at all.
I'll test out the overview, it should work fine...but I'll check it again.
Thanks for the input everyone.
Final note, I'm upping the light in the tunnels a bit more as well.
[edit]I found the problem with the overview, I had changed the overview's name to dod_belfort_beta but overlooked the inside of the .txt file in the dod\folders overview. please add "_beta" to the following lines
"// overview description file for dod_belfort_beta.bsp"
" IMAGE "overviews/dod_belfort_beta.bmp""
Or just re-download it, it'll be a fixed file from my personal mirror. (And if you could update either the file, or redownload mine Lewis that would be best.)
05-21-2004, 12:37 PM
Gorb, is the version you're hosting fixed as of now? If not, can you post when it is so I can be sure and get the proper version? :)
05-21-2004, 12:40 PM
Yes, I uploaded the fixed one a minute ago. So the one from my shaw website is correct.
Added Miiror @ www.LanmaniaX.com
05-29-2004, 09:41 PM
Thanks for the mirrors. The map will be on Kustom Kettle for this month and longer if people enjoy it. So get in there and play! It's also on the 4thIDUSA server and will soon be on another few. Godcha has been so kind as to make some great waypoints for me (as mine were rather basic and more for quick tests but not so well for playing.) Anyways, I'll just attach them to my post. Enjoy.
German Killa
05-30-2004, 01:29 PM
DodMaps.de Mirror (http://dodmaps.ngz-network.de/pafiledb/pafiledb.php?action=file&id=264)
map is also running on our www.dodmaps.com / www.dodmaps.de server since release
05-30-2004, 02:43 PM
Thank you, I was un-aware since there hadn't been much activity on your main page/forums.
(.com at least)
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