Spawn without weapons
05-10-2004, 04:41 PM
I would like to know how to create a spawn point that allows you to spawn without weapons.
I have created a virtual meeting room for my clan to hold meetings. I placed bulletproof glass running the entire distance between the two spawn points. This works but is kind of wierd when you run up against an invisible wall. Also people are still shooting off their weapons creating alot of background noise and drowning out the speaker.
Someone in the clan mentioned that in dod_festung the Allies spawn without weapons. That is what spiked my curiosity.. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could help me figure this out.
[cTs] Ranger_X
05-10-2004, 05:21 PM
I think the entity says weapon strip or something along those lines in the name.. so look around for that entity and mess around with it till you get it to work.. and this should be in the Q + A section btw.
05-10-2004, 05:47 PM
It is an ad on go here
Pvt. ZeRo
05-27-2004, 12:30 PM
Ok, to do this, you would need to place a trigger_multiple under each player spawn, or like across the whole map, with a target titled "strip". Then you need to create a player_weaponstrip pointbased entity with the name "strip". That should do it. This should work, unless the dod fgd doesnt have that entity. I'm a cs mapper, and I've made alotta ka_maps so I'm used to this. Also, if you want everybody to have a certain weapon or anything u could name a multi_manager named strip with the following info (change player_weaponstrip name to stripper i guess)
name: strip
stripper 0
equip 1
then create a game_playerequip (i think its called, somethin like that) with the name equip, and the weapons you would like them to have. It's self-explanetory once you see it.
05-17-2005, 02:26 PM
Um, I tried to post about this but some admin must have erased my post for whatever reason. I'm trying to make a knife only map right now, but when I set it up like this(having a trigger_multiple under each spawn tied to a player_weaponstrip), some people are still spawning with guns and nades and all their crap. Is there a better way to ensure that EVERYONE spawns without a weapon?
05-17-2005, 07:02 PM
Yes that's right, it won't work if entities properties are not set properly.
The answer is above though. It is also in the forum archives ther's probably a button to search somewhere.
Study festung and the entities you need. In a small testmap if that makes sense... Nobody will do it for you, because it's best to learn a man how to fish rather than give him a fish.
05-17-2005, 08:25 PM
check out pooltime. for that matter, you could just take out all of the weapons placed around it, using ripent, and you'd have exactly what you want right there. a nice big area for meeting with no weapons.
05-18-2005, 02:48 AM
Here's a tut map:
Just found a thread about it:
05-18-2005, 08:19 PM
Originally posted by Mac50
Yes that's right, it won't work if entities properties are not set properly.
The answer is above though. It is also in the forum archives ther's probably a button to search somewhere.
Study festung and the entities you need. In a small testmap if that makes sense... Nobody will do it for you, because it's best to learn a man how to fish rather than give him a fish.
This is why I hate posting on these forums. People are completely rude and unhelpful. As I said, I set it up just as mentioned above, and I have everything set up properly, and yet players still spawn with weapons sometimes. I have played festung a lot, and I realize how that map works, but that map also isn't foolproof...people can still spawn with weapons there too. Small testmaps dont work, because I need many players for this phenomena to occur. Playing solo, it always works, but online, one out of every ten players who spawns or something close to that has a weapon. I never asked anyone to do it for me, I simply asked why the method mentioned isn't working. I could post every single bit of information such as entity values and targets to prove I had it right, if you wanted, but I'm sure you'd just say "Duh, search button, tutorial" like usual. By the way, I looked at the tutorial someone posted, and I have it set up that way and didn't learn anything I didn't know from it. So...don't bite my head off if you don't know what I'm asking, please. :)
killer tomato
05-19-2005, 02:21 AM
Originally posted by Taien
This is why I hate posting on these forums. People are completely rude and unhelpful.
Bad opening sentence mate. Not true either. :cool:
05-19-2005, 10:05 AM
You really, really got it wrong, mates.
First off, you can say "thank you" to Mr Haircut and others who helped, even if the help is not black-on-white written.
Then, look at the posts date. My intervention magically unblocked the situation. Co-incidents? ;) Simple question of how to formulate a request.
Furthermore, you shoot the wrong enemy: i am not responsible of your post deletion by an admin.
Technically speaking, you're a noob. Testmaps do not only work, but they're used only by old-timers, question of experience or something. That being said i can't force myself to become intelligent.
But i agree with your point about people being rude and unhelpful... They're blind, too. Answer what you want, in all cases this is my last reply in this thread.
Buddy Lee
05-19-2005, 10:12 AM
Just use ventrillo for clan meetings? :confused:
05-20-2005, 02:21 AM
Yea ... a test map for weapon striping is a problem.
The test map I have was only tested with 16 bots, well funny watching them all run around with SMGs killing each other. I didn't see a problem at the time.
It's the best I could do :kitty:
05-20-2005, 02:49 PM
Originally posted by Mac50
Then, look at the posts date. My intervention magically unblocked the situation. Co-incidents? ;) Simple question of how to formulate a request.
No, actually, since my thread on this subject was deleted, I just searched for a similar thread and posted on it...that's the reason there's a huge gap in post dates.
Originally posted by Mac50
Technically speaking, you're a noob. Testmaps do not only work, but they're used only by old-timers, question of experience or something. That being said i can't force myself to become intelligent.
Hardy har har. Yes, I use test maps all the time for things, and they do work, EXCEPT in this instance. Please just read everything I say before jumping to conclusions.
Originally posted by Mac50
But i agree with your point about people being rude and unhelpful... They're blind, too. Answer what you want, in all cases this is my last reply in this thread.
I assume you're calling me rude there...and you wonder why there aren't more mappers. In almost every case in which I have posted on these forums asking for help in the past, I have always gotten the same types of responses. People either simply laugh at the question, tell me to search the forums(which I ALWAYS do first, and almost always ends up giving me nothing), or read a tutorial, and I've read every tutorial around. I really should consider making my own tutorials sometime, because a lot of them out there, while I am thankful to their creators, simply do not help all that much, or don't go into enough detail about things.
Once more:
I have this completed map, and I want it to be knife only. Currently I have it set up so that each spawn point has a trigger_multiple encasing it and extending below it. Each trigger targets a separate player_weaponstrip, and then there are several knife weapons lying about the room so that players can choose which one that they want to use. I have tried setting it up with all one trigger_multiple as well, and I have also tried setting it up with different layers of trigger_multiples that all target player_weaponstrip entities. In EVERY case, when playing with more than 5 or so people, people will start to spawn with weapons. Not everyone, but some. As you increase the number of players, the amount of people who spawn with weapons increases.
So let me ask again: Is there no fool-proof, certain-to-work way of stripping player weapons so that EVERYONE gets stripped?
Let's ease up on the bicking, fellas. :)
05-21-2005, 04:51 AM
If you take a look at the links I posted the weapon stripping is done in a completely different way to how you are trying it. No trigger_multiples and no multiple player_weaponstrip.
Like I said, 16 bots worked fine.
NOTE: The forum thread I posted is your best starting place.
05-27-2005, 11:38 PM
Ah, see, I had looked at your map but I couldn't figure out why it worked, because I saw no trigger calling the multi_manager...but the thread explained that you can give it that special name to get it to work :D Thanks much, haircut.
And to think, I was going to resort to turning the floor under the spawn into a func_illusionary with a clip brush inside it so the weapons would fall through the clip brush when dropped(that's how people were getting weapons: dropping them before the weaponstrip could take effect). :)
Sorry for getting a bit irate but it just seems like every time I ask for help on these boards someone comes along and acts all high-and-mighty about divulging mapmaking info. :p
Two more questions, now...
1. Do you think it is possible to somehow randomize between three weapons which each player recieves? (knife, ger. knife, spade)
2. What other spiffy names are there that are called as triggers during gameplay(like game_playerspawn)? Is there a tutorial on that somewhere?
05-28-2005, 05:44 AM
Other spiffy names mentioned here:
Tut link is on that page as well.
12-31-2005, 09:25 AM
Man, I was a jackass earlier in this thread. Anyway, I just wanted to add something on to this for anyone who still maps in 1.6 or whatever is the current steam version of DoD.
Even with the weapon stripping set up to activate by game_playerspawn, using the correct entity this time, occasionally some of my friends were able to drop their guns as they spawned before the strip took effect, and then pick them up again off the ground. I wanted to add that I solved this by creating a recessed floor in the spawn room, and then placing a func_illusionary as the floor with the light flags set to normal so it doesn't block light. Then I placed a clip brush in the exact same shape of the illusionary, and that is what the players would stand on. The reason you can't have the illusionary block light is because then all the players standing on the clip brush appear as solid black. But this pretty much solves the weapon-dropping problem, because the weapon simply falls into the floor.
Scooty Puff Senior
12-31-2005, 01:10 PM
Innovation is where it's at my friend :carrot:
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