Studio MDL 1.0 not compiling WHY??

05-04-2004, 07:01 PM
hey i have a problom and i need gib help well i took a set of player models that i had and i too the deadback and deadstomich and i cut parts of limbs of them eg: arms and legs so it would look cool when u see a dead boddy on the ground but to get to the point when i go to compile then with stodioMDL the 1.0 vertion of it cuz im going 1.0 models it does a fair bit but the it stop at stand_panzersh_reload.smd and then a box come up and say Studiomdl has caused an error in STUDIOMDL.EXE. Studio will now close

and it dont compyle the model so i was woundering what is wrong?

Trp. Jed
05-05-2004, 05:50 AM
That problem comes up sometimes and I think its a memory buffer overflow error.

The original specification for MDL files states a maximum of 256 animations per model but Dod has ~345. Because of that, thats why we have custom versions of the studiomdl.exe compiler to support that.

What you've described is a good example of what used to happen trying to compile 1.1 models with the 1.0 compiler.

Sadly I can't really give much of an answer because I don't know how much different you models are. I've discovered things like adding an extra bone, or extra frames to an animation can cause the compiler to crash, even though its the same number of sequences.

This is the reason I've been asking for the source for the 1.0 and 1.1 compiler to be released so that I can see how they were modified to support more animations and maybe make a more stable version.

- Jed

05-05-2004, 05:58 PM
ok u didnt here me right

im trying to compile a 1.0 models with the 1.0 MDL compleler and to the model i took the dead back and dead stomic and deleted the arms and legs of then to make them like thay been blowen up

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