GUI StudioMDL v1.0 final! :)

Trp. Jed
04-23-2004, 05:54 PM
O.K. I fixed some final bugs and I'm happy enough with it to make it official version 1.0.

O.K So for those of you who don't know, what is GUI StudioMDL?.

Basically it provides a Windows front end to the Half-Life model compiler. It doesnt replace studiomdl, it simple removes the need for you to mess around in MS-DOS to compile your models.

GUI StudioMDL comes with the default Half-Life SDK studiomdl.exe so if you want to compile DoD player models or use the $textrendermode options in your QC, you will need to copy the DoD compiler into the GUI StudioMDL installation folder.

When you run the installer it will create 2 icons on your desktop. Clicking on either will open GUI StudioMDL for you. You can also double-click a QC file and it will open in GUI StudioMDL.

Dragging a QC file onto either of the two icons will also open GUI StudioMDL and auto-load the QC script, however if you drag onto the Auto Compile icon, you guessed it, it will open and compile the QC automatically for you.

Download is here:

Just to clarify again, this does not replace studiomdl.exe, it just provides a Windows front-end to it saving you the need to use DOS.

- Jed

04-23-2004, 07:01 PM
awsome. just a question though, perhaps you can answer it.

for some reason which i have yet to identify, compiling models tends to slightly crop their meshes. for example, i compile a model which has a 512x512 texture and mesh, but when i open it up in hlmv, or decompile it, its been cropped to 512x510. is there a reason for this? is there some way i can fix it so it does not shave off a few pixels every recompile?

04-24-2004, 01:07 AM
Originally posted by Klown
awsome. just a question though, perhaps you can answer it.

place the line #cliptotextures in the top of your .qc file...

Trp. Jed
04-24-2004, 03:20 AM
$cliptotextures is b0rked in the current DoD compiler. If you want to stop it clipping your textures try this little hack:

- Jed

04-24-2004, 03:47 AM
Or if your just compiling weapon models use an old compiler that the $cliptotextures command does work with, i think you only need the new compiler for player models.

Nice work Jed, just need this pluged into HLMV and ill be happy......:).

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Material has been archived for the purpose of creating a knowledge base from messages posted between 2003 and 2008.