Delisle p &w modles?

04-22-2004, 12:34 AM
anyone know when Anderson will release his Delisle p &w modles?
I love this modle and neeeeeeeeed the p&w's
please dude (sits Patiently waiting at computer ) :D

04-22-2004, 05:36 AM
No idea but please post stuff like in that in the request or in the msa forums.

04-22-2004, 05:49 AM
yeah p models would be great but i have another stupid question - what are the msa forums - often saw that name now but i dont know what it is

Steel Blade
04-22-2004, 06:27 AM
Originally posted by Nordvolk
yeah p models would be great but i have another stupid question - what are the msa forums - often saw that name now but i dont know what it is

MSA - Models, Skins, and Animations

It's the main forum for questions and stuff (where all the stickies are)

Joe Anderson
04-22-2004, 09:23 PM
Not doing too much DOD related anymore but I'll try to get these out sometime soon. Sorry for not responding earlier.


04-23-2004, 03:48 AM
could also make silenced sten p models - normally i dont care about fitting p models but when a weapon is silenced its stupid if the p models wont fit

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